本文介绍了PixelsPerInch在Delphi 10.3 Rio中如何工作?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不明白 PixelsPerInch 属性的用途是什么...似乎没有用.如果选中了 Scaled ,则无法修改 PixelsPerInch .如果未选中 Scaled ,并且更改了 PixelsPerInch ,则无论您在 PixelsPerInch 中输入的值是多少,字体的字号都会缩放为固定值.场地.当然,我在运行时检查了表单大小.

I do not understand what is the purpose of PixelsPerInch property... It seems it is useless. If Scaled is checked, PixelsPerInch cannot be modified. If Scaled is unchecked and PixelsPerInch is changed, the form size an font is scaled to a fixed value, regardless of the value you entered in PixelsPerInch field. Of course, I checked the form size at runtime.



在dfm文件中, PixelsPerInch 属性包含设计表单时使用的屏幕DPI值.为了能够在运行时将控件的位置和大小值缩放到不同的DPI屏幕,这是必需的.

In the dfm file the PixelsPerInch property contains the screen DPI value used when the form was designed. This is necessary in order to be able to scale control position and size values to different DPI screens at runtime.


PixelsPerInch 属性将被忽略,控件位置和大小值将按比例缩放.

The PixelsPerInch property is ignored and control position and size values are used unscaled.

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07-17 10:26