

我刚刚开始使用仪器,这是一个很好的小工具来测试内存分配/泄漏以及所有好东西。但是我很迷惑于它的工作原理... Ive寻找解释如何使用它的教程,但没有教程解释如何处理它。








  • 会话916 - 乐器入门

WWDC 2009:

  • 会话414 - 使用乐器的iPhone性能优化

WWDC 2010: strong>

  • 会话304 - 乐器的新功能

  • Se

  • 会话311 - 使用仪器进行高级内存分析

  • 会话309 - 利用仪器进行高级性能分析
  • >

WWDC 2011:

  • 会议312 - 使用乐器的iOS性能和功耗优化

WWDC 2012:

  • 会话409 - 学习乐器

    • WWDC 2014:

      • 会话418 - 改进您的使用乐器的应用程序

      WWDC 2015:

      • 会话412 - 深度分析

      WWDC 2016:

      • 会话411 - 深度系统跟踪

      • 会话418 - 在乐器中使用时间分析器

      I just started using Instruments, a nice little tool for testing memory allocations/ leaks and all that great stuff. But I'm pretty confused at how it works... Ive looked for tutorials explaining how to work with it, but no tutorials explained what to do with it.

      I'll try to explain this: I have it set up to whenever I run my Xcode app, Instruments tracks everything. But the stuff that instruments record makes no sense to me.

      There was one leak discovered, and after that it started leaking bytes. It says the leaked object is _NSCFString and some other stuff like that. Here is a screenshot

      My question is, how do I interpret this? If there is a tutorial out there that explain this, please leave as an answer, or explain it to me.


      The best way to learn how to use Instruments is to watch the iOS Development Essential/Advanced/Foundation videos as well as the WWDC session videos on the topic.

      You can find a list at Apple's Development Video Access which will require an iOS Developer Account and are usually hosted through iTunes.

      iPhone Foundation Development Videos:

      • Session 916 - Getting Started with Instruments

      WWDC 2009:

      • Session 414 - iPhone Performance Optimization with Instruments

      WWDC 2010:

      • Session 304 - What's New in Instruments
      • Session 306 - Automating User Interface Testing with Instruments
      • Session 309 - Advanced Performance Analysis with Instruments
      • Session 311 - Advanced Memory Analysis with Instruments

      WWDC 2011:

      • Session 310 - What's New In Instruments
      • Session 312 - iOS Performance and Power Optimization with Instruments

      WWDC 2012:

      • Session 409 - Learning Instruments

      WWDC 2014:

      • Session 418 - Improving Your App with Instruments

      WWDC 2015:

      • Session 412 - Profiling in Depth

      WWDC 2016:

      • Session 411 - System Trace in Depth
      • Session 418 - Using Time Profiler in Instruments


09-14 19:30