本文介绍了MVC ControllerContext,线程/任务,Rotativa的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Rotativa 1.6.4保持在发行Rotativa.dll System.NullReferenceException

Rotativa 1.6.4 keeps issuing System.NullReferenceException in Rotativa.dll


Specifically it occurs on BuildPdf(context)

我都试过主题,任务和其他背景类型的工作。为什么? PDF生成是在时间和使用越野车ActionAsPdf极其缓慢(见),所以我想旋转它开了一个新的线程/任务或后台作业,只记录错误,这样我就可以得到用户回到尽快赶路。

I have tried Thread, Task and other background type jobs. Why? The PDF generation is extremely slow at times and buggy using ActionAsPdf (see Here) so I want to spin it off to a new thread/task or background job, and only log errors, so I can get the user back on their way asap.


The BuildPdf takes the current controller context, which always is going in null I've tried making a new context, using httpcontext, making a new instance of controller all with same results. Once it gets into the Rotativa.dll the context is compeltely gone, no matter if I pass it in from before I being the Thread/Task, or create a new one right before I call BuildPdf();


How do I get a valid controller context from either before I begin the thread/task job, or once inside the thread/task job into Rotativa?


At this point I'm more than ready to spend real money on a real PDF solution, but so far it seems they all are PITA and are only mediocre at best even if you have the most simplistic child needs of PDF.


你有没有尝试创建一个的SynchronizationContext 呢?

Did you try to create a SynchronizationContext instead?


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10-14 19:45