


I'm using topojson to convert an existing GeoJSON dataset and it isn't preserving the properties. It follows the standard GeoJSON format and places the properties in a "properties" object at the same level as the geometry (snippet below) but when the topojson successfully completes, I end up with a valid topojson data file that I can use and display on a map, but there are no properties anywhere in the file. I did not specify properties, and the default behavior is to preserve all properties in that case, so I'm baffled.

{"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type":"MultiLineString","coordinates":[[[12.06,37.97],[12.064,37.991]],[[12.064,37.991],[28.985,41.018]]]}, "properties": {"pair": 50129,"direction": 0,"month": 12,"priority": 0,"expense": 4.854,"duration": 20.423,"length": 2950.524}}


edit: I also don't have enough points to register the topojson tag, so I'll list this as D3 until that tag is created.


topojson中的此函数现已移至 geo2topo ,并且不再提供编辑原始属性的方法.

This function in topojson has now been moved to geo2topo and no longer provides a way to edit properties of the original.

我发现编写自己的脚本比使用以下命令在命令行上编辑所有属性要容易 ndjson-cli .

I found it was easier to write my own script than edit all properties on the command line using ndjson-cli.

 *  Remove unwanted geojson feature properties

var fs = require('fs');

var inputFile = 'input.geojson',
    outputFile = 'output.geojson',
    remove = ["properties","to","remove"];

function editFunct(feature){
    feature.TID = feature.properties.TID; // set the TID in the feature
    return feature;


function removeGeojsonProps(inputFile,outputFile,remove,editFunct){

    // import geojson
    var geojson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(inputFile, 'utf8'));

    // for each feature in geojson

        // edit any properties
        feature = editFunct(feature);

        // remove any you don't want
        for (var key in feature.properties) {   

            // remove unwanted properties
            if ( remove.indexOf(key) !== -1 )
                delete feature.properties[key];

    // write file
    fs.writeFile(outputFile, JSON.stringify(geojson), function(err) {
        if(err) return console.log(err);
        console.log("The file was saved!");


10-13 13:01