


What is the difference between GeoJSON and TopoJSON and when would I use one over the other?


The description of TopoJSON on GitHub implies the TopoJSON files are 80% smaller. So why not just use TopoJSON all the time?



If you care about file size or topology, then use TopoJSON. If you don’t care about either, then use GeoJSON for simplicity’s sake.

TopoJSON的主要优点是大小。通过消除冗余并使用更有效的坐标的固定精度整数编码,TopoJSON文件通常比GeoJSON文件小一个数量级。 TopoJSON文件的第二个优点是编码拓扑具有有用的应用程序,例如拓扑保存简化(类似于)和自动网格生成(如中的状态边界)。

The primary advantage of TopoJSON is size. By eliminating redundancy and using a more efficent fixed-precision integer encoding of coordinates, TopoJSON files are often an order of magnitude smaller than GeoJSON files. The secondary advantage of TopoJSON files is that encoding the topology has useful applications, such as topology-preserving simplification (similar to MapShaper) and automatic mesh generation (as in the state-state boundaries in this example choropleth).

这些优点是成本:更复杂的文件格式。例如,在JavaScript中,您通常使用将TopoJSON转换为GeoJSON以便与标准工具(如)配合使用。 (在Python中,您可以使用。)此外,TopoJSON的整数格式需要量化坐标,这意味着如果你不小心,它可能引入舍入误差。 (请参阅 topojson -q 的文档。)

These advantages come at a cost: a more complex file format. In JavaScript, for example, you’d typically use the TopoJSON client library to convert TopoJSON to GeoJSON for use with standard tools such as d3.geo.path. (In Python, you can use topojson.py.) Also, TopoJSON’s integer format requires quantizing coordinates, which means that it can introduce rounding error if you’re not careful. (See the documentation for topojson -q.)


For server-side manipulation of geometries that does not require topology, then GeoJSON is probably the simpler choice. Otherwise, if you need topology or want to send the geometry over the wire to a client, then use TopoJSON.


10-12 10:50