我有模块化的maven应用程序,module1取决于module2和module2取决于module3等。在module1中,我有这样的东西: <型材>
< id> obfuscate< / id>
< build>
< plugins>
< plugin>
< groupId> com.pyx4me< / groupId>
< artifactId> proguard-maven-plugin< / artifactId>
< execution>
< phase> package< / phase>
< goals>
< goal> proguard< / goal>
< / goals>
< / execution>
< / executions>
< configuration>
< options>
< option> -allowaccessmodification< / option>
< option> --keep public class com.test.Main {*; }< /选项>
< / options>
< libs>
< lib> $ {java.home} /lib/rt.jar</lib>
< / libs>
< / configuration>
< groupId> net.sf.proguard< / groupId>
< artifactId> proguard< / artifactId>
< version> $ {proguard.version}< / version>
< / dependency>
< / dependencies>
< / plugin>
< / plugins>
< / build>
这将创建成功模糊的module1 。我想用所有模糊依赖关系创建单个jar(模糊化模块1和模块2等)。是否可能?
Maven Shade Plugin
I have modular maven application and "module1" depends on "module2" and "module2" depends on "module3" etc.. In module1 I have something like this:
<option>-keep public class com.test.Main { *; }</option>
This creates successfully obfuscated "module1". I want to create single jar with all obfuscated dependencies (obfuscated module1 and module2 etc.). Is it possible?
Maven Shade Plugin
This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in an uber-jar, including its dependencies and to shade - i.e. rename - the packages of some of the dependencies.