

我正在尝试检测 Kinetic.Group 上的鼠标事件(当前是mousedown),其中包含由 Kinetic.Line

I'm trying to detect mouse events (currently mousedown) on a Kinetic.Group containing a grid made of Kinetic.Line's


I'm listening to the mousedown event on the Layer. When it happens that i hit a line, no event is fired.

var grid = new Kinetic.Group({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    width: this.group.width(),
    height: this.group.height()

grid.on("mousedown", function(){
    alert("At least this one should fire!");

var gridX = this.gridWidth, gridY = this.gridHeight;


while(gridY < this.rect.height()){          

    var line = new Kinetic.Line({
        points : [0,gridY, this.rect.width(), gridY],
        stroke: "grey",
        strokeWidth: 1


    gridY += this.gridHeight;

while(gridX < this.rect.width()){           
    var line = new Kinetic.Line({
        points : [gridX,0, gridX, this.rect.height()],
        stroke: "grey",
        strokeWidth: 1


    gridX += this.gridWidth;


提到的答案是在形状上使用saveData()。这似乎是旧的,因为 Kinetic.Shape 中不存在此方法。

The answer mentioned there is using "saveData()" on the shape. This seems to be old because this method does not exist in Kinetic.Shape.

以上帖子的示例指的是图像。它使用 cache()方法创建一个命中图或其他东西。我尝试过我的线路,但这也行不通。

The example where the above post is pointing to is for images. And it uses the cache() method to create a hit graph or something. I tried that for my lines but this won't work either.


How can i simply detect mouse events on a Kinetic.Line?


万一你还在寻找这个@Chris的答案,如果其他人找到了你的帖子,我相信你和我都是一样的问题。 @Sjiep如此慷慨地在帖子中解决了我的问题。

Just in case you are still looking for an answer to this @Chris, and in case others find your thread, I believe you and I were suffering from the same issue. @Sjiep so graciously provided a fix for my problem under this thread.


Turns out it was indeed a bug!


09-18 22:17