

我有应用 A 和另一个应用 B ,不使用Meteor,但与应用 A 进行一些数据交换。当我在本地网络中的计算机上启动 A 时,它工作正常,但是当我在meteor.com托管它时,它没有。服务器不回复。

I have a Meteor app A and another application B, not using Meteor, but making some data exchange with the app A. It works fine when I launch A on a machine in my local network, but when I deploy it on meteor.com hosting it doesn't. Server doesn't reply.

B 使用代码新的WebSocket(ws:/ /+ host +:3000 / websocket)用于连接(DDP协议)。
但是当我将ws更改为wss时,即使使用局域网中的机器它也不再工作 - 它不会回复。

B uses code new WebSocket("ws://" + host + ":3000/websocket") for connection (DDP protocol).But when I change ws to wss it doesn't work any more even with the machine in LAN - it doesn't reply.

我看到了主要信息应用页面 A 当我在浏览器中打开它时使用的网址如

I saw that main page of app A when I open it in browser uses URLs like

wss:/ / ddp - 6774- {我的主机名} .meteor.com / sockjs / 465 / asf0b7da / websocket


  1. 如何制作 B 使用安全WebSocket(wss)进行连接?

  1. How can I make B to use secure WebSocket (wss) for connection?

如何将其连接到 {托管在{my host name} .meteor.com上?

How can I make connect it to A hosted on {my host name}.meteor.com?

如何强制 A 使用固定URL回复请求,例如 ws:// {我的主机名} .meteor.com:3000 / websocket ?如何强制它使用ws而不是wss?

How can force A to reply to requests using fixed URL, for example, ws://{my host name}.meteor.com:3000/websocket ? How can I force it to use ws instead of wss?


Should I specify something in config.js or settings.js?


Is there any way to specify environment variables for meteor.com hosting, for example, DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL, NODE_OPTIONS?


  1. websocket服务器由sockjs处理,所以只要你使用一个标准的应该正常工作(参见)。如果您的客户端上的websocket实现是为了使用websockets而构建的,那么它应该没问题。大气/陨石项目使用带有安全套接字的node-ddp客户端(有几个问题,但我认为它们已经排序)。 (反过来取决于)

  1. The websocket server is handled by sockjs, so as long as you use a standard wss it should 'just work' (see https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-node). If you're websocket implementation on your client is built to use websockets it should be ok. The atmosphere/meteorite projects use the node-ddp client with secure sockets (there were a couple of issues but I think theyre sorted). (In turn which depends on the faye-websockets library)


I'm not too sure which language you're coding your app B in, but you need to use a DDP client to connect to your server, or you could write one, the DDP spec is fairly open and reversible.There are a couple of DDP implementations out there, some might need to be brought up to date to the pre-1 release spec:

  • Java()

  • Ruby() - 最新

  • Objective-C()

  • .NET(C#/ VB.NET)()

  • Java (https://github.com/kutrumbo/java-ddp-client)
  • Ruby (https://github.com/tmeasday/ruby-ddp-client)
  • NodeJS (https://github.com/oortcloud/node-ddp-client) - Up to date
  • Objective-C (https://github.com/boundsj/ObjectiveDDP)
  • .NET (C#/VB.NET) (https://github.com/sonyarouje/DDPClient.NET)

此外,您可能遇到麻烦,因为你发现了与的连接新的WebSocket(ws://+ host +。meteor.com / websocket)是徒劳的,这是因为meteor deplo y hosting使用ddp代理(可通过 ddp-xxxx- {my host name} .meteor.com 访问,但 xxxx 在您进行新部署时也总是会更改,您必须访问html文件并解析ddp服务器的内容,或在每次部署应用程序时记下它。

Additionally you might run into trouble, as you discovered a connection to new WebSocket("ws://" + host + ".meteor.com/websocket") is fruitless, this is because meteor deploy hosting uses a ddp proxy (which is accessed via ddp--xxxx-{my host name}.meteor.com, but the xxxx also always changes when you make a new deployment, you have to access the html file and parse out what the ddp server is or make a note of it every time you deploy your app.

如果你在端口443上连接它应该是wss。我不太确定websockets会重定向。这是服务器方面的事情,所以如果你使用meteor部署你还不能控制它(也许当它们释放galaxy时,这可能会改变)。也许 force-ssl 包可能有帮助吗?但是,不太确定它是否也强制执行连接的websockets部分。

If you connect on port 443 it should be wss. I'm not too sure websockets do redirects. This is a server side thing, so if you're using meteor deploy you wont have control over this yet (perhaps when they release galaxy this might change). Perhaps the force-ssl package might help? Not too sure if it also enforces the websockets part of the connection too, though.


For DDP there aren't any known settings you can specify in the settings


For meteor deploy hosting you can't alter the DDP server to use another one or alter the environmental variables (see https://github.com/oortcloud/unofficial-meteor-faq).


Keep in mind meteor deploy hosting is very young & the guys who make meteor still haven't released their galaxy solution so this might all change in the future.


Btw sorry about the layout/spacing, I can't get the hang of this markdown thing.


10-14 17:56