本文介绍了Google Apps脚本:event.setTime错误和时间格式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!






  var eventStart = sh.getRange(D+ rowNumber).getValues(); 
var eventEnd = sh.getRange(E+ rowNumber).getValues();





$ b $ <$ b $ <$ c $之后c>var endTime = parseDate(event.end.date || event.end.dateTime);

我正在检查/日志记录'startTime'和'event'。 'startTime'会以'无效日期'的形式回来(坏事?),'event'会回来,我可以想象所有的日历条目信息(我希望的好东西?!)。




更新2 - 无效日期?


var startTime = event.start.dateTime;

结果是2015-05-24T02:00:00 + 01:00,我认为这是现实。所以无效日期肯定是在解析函数期间发生错误的一种情况,因为它只是在它返回无效日期。


  function onOpen(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menuEntries = [{name:手动创建事件文档,functionName:addSheet},{name:更新日历条目,functionName:getEventById}

ss.addMenu(Select Row& Click Here,menuEntries);

/ **
*从ID检索CalendarApp CalendarEvent对象。
* @param {string} calendarId要搜索的日历ID
* @param {字符串} eventId匹配
的事件ID * @returns { CalendarE CalendarEvent对象或空
* /


var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh = ss.getActiveSheet();
var rowNumber = sh.getActiveRange()。getRowIndex();
var myEventId =q8q533oioluipirksmno88qv2g;
var calendarId =mydomain.tv_q9608ku2min78rasgt2s2n233c@group.calendar.google.com;

var event = Calendar.Events.get(calendarId,myEventId);
//这不是CalendarApp CalendarEvent,因此请使用事件中的info


var startTime = parseDate(event.start.date || event.start.dateTime);
var endTime = parseDate(event.end.date || event.end.dateTime);

Logger.log('Variables:'+ startTime +'and'+ endTime);

//获取startTime& endTime
var calEvents = CalendarApp.getEvents(startTime,endTime);

查找匹配(var i = 0; i< calEvents.length; i ++){
var curId = calEvents [ 。I] .getId()分割( '@')[0]; //从[email protected]提取id
if(curId == eventId){
返回calEvents [i];

return null;


function parseDate(string){
var parts = string.split( 'T');
parts [0] = parts [0] .replace(/ - / g,'/');
return new Date(parts.join(''));


Serge的说法正确 - 问题在于您已经检索了对象,而不是。由于服务中唯一会按ID查找事件的方法是,你有点卡住了。


  var event = Calendar.Events.get(calendarId,eventId); 

对于新代码,这是一个不错的选择,特别是对于已经习惯了JavaScript API的开发人员。如果您是初学者或者不熟悉高级服务,那么您会发现学习曲线比日历服务更陡峭。 在这种情况下,这些实用程序应该帮助您坚持使用CalendarApp及其类和方法,通过填充 getEventById()函数。


有两个版本的 getEventById()。第一个使用高级日历服务,必须在使用之前。

$ b

  / ** 
*解析RFC 3339日期或日期时间字符串并返回相应的日期
*支持RFC 3339日期为止。有关更多信息,请参阅
* https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=3860
* @param {字符串}字符串RFC 3339字符串解析。
* @return {Date}解析的日期。
* /
function parseDate(string){
var parts = string.split('T');
parts [0] = parts [0] .replace(/ - / g,'/');
return new Date(parts.join(''));

I'm creating something of a booking system which is nearly complete. Currently I'm collecting data from a form, passing it to a sheet, and then using some of that info to create a calendar event. This all works fine.

On creating the event, I'm also collecting the eventID so that I can use it to identify the event and update it from the spreadsheet. These updates are also working, with the exception of updating the start/end date and time which causes the following error:

TypeError: Cannot find function setTime in object CalendarEventSeries.

This is the code I'm working with:

var eventStart =  sh.getRange("D"+rowNumber).getValues();
var eventEnd =  sh.getRange("E"+rowNumber).getValues();
event.setTime(eventStart, eventEnd);

I'm doing exactly the same thing with setLocation and setTitle without a problem.

I'm new to this, I don't know what an object is and so the error message means very little to me! But I can see that setTime is a method outlined in the class 'CalendarEvent' (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/calendar/calendar-event#setTime(Date,Date)), but not in 'CalendarEventSeries'. All my events are on-off events anyway?

Thanks in advance for any pointers.


I have integrated Mogsdad's Advanced Calendar Service code, and after

"var endTime = parseDate(event.end.date||event.end.dateTime);"

I am checking/logging 'startTime' and 'event'. 'startTime' is coming back as 'invalid date' (bad thing?) and 'event' is coming back with all the calendar entry info I can imagine (good thing I hope?!).

Where should the parseDate function actually go? Maybe I have it in the wrong place (I've tried it all over the place!) and this isn't being used?

Also, now the event I want to edit has been identified, are the dates parsed and used to search for the event I have already found in order to return a Calendar event that I can ultimately use setTime on? Is that the whole point of this?

Thanks for bearing with me.


If I skip the parsing and log the variable like this:

var startTime = event.start.dateTime;

The result is 2015-05-24T02:00:00+01:00 which I think is spot on. So the invalid date is definitely a case of something going wrong during the parse function as it only then that it returns 'invalid date'.

Code in context below.

function onOpen() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var menuEntries = [{name: "Create Event Document Manually", functionName: "addSheet"},{name: "Update Calendar Entry", functionName: "getEventById"}

  ss.addMenu("Select Row & Click Here", menuEntries);

 * Retrieve a CalendarApp CalendarEvent object from IDs.
 * This version utilizes the Advanced Calendar Service, which must be
 * enabled before use.
 * @param {string} calendarId   ID of calendar to be searched
 * @param {string} eventId      Event ID to match
 * @returns {CalendarEvent}     CalendarApp CalendarEvent object or null

function getEventById(calendarId, eventId) {

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sh = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var rowNumber = sh.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
  var myEventId = "q8q533oioluipirksmno88qv2g";
  var calendarId = "[email protected]";

  // Get event by ID.
  var event = Calendar.Events.get(calendarId, myEventId);
  // This isn't a CalendarApp CalendarEvent though, so use the info
  // in the event to find it AGAIN as the right type.

  // Get start & end times of event. All-day events start at start.date,
  // while other events start at start.datetime. Likewise for end.

  var startTime = parseDate(event.start.date||event.start.dateTime);
  var endTime = parseDate(event.end.date||event.end.dateTime);

   Logger.log('Variables: ' + startTime + ' and ' + endTime);

  // Get array of events that fall between startTime & endTime
  var calEvents = CalendarApp.getEvents(startTime, endTime);

  // Search through those events, looking for a match by ID
  for (var i=0; i<calEvents.length; i++) {
    var curId = calEvents[i].getId().split('@')[0];  // extract id from [email protected]
    if (curId == eventId) {
      // Mission accomplished; we have an Event object with given id!
      return calEvents[i];

  // We did not find matching event
  return null;


  function parseDate(string) {
  var parts = string.split('T');
  parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/-/g, '/');
  return new Date(parts.join(' '));

Serge has it right - the problem is that you've retrieved a CalendarEventSeries object, not a CalendarEvent. Since the only method in the service that will look for an event by ID is getEventSeriesById(iCalId), you're kinda stuck.

One option is to use the Advanced Calendar Service instead:

var event = Calendar.Events.get(calendarId, eventId);

For new code, that's a great option, especially for developers already used to Javascript APIs. If you're a beginner or not familiar with the Advanced Services, though, you'll find that there's a steeper learning curve than for the Calendar Service.

In that case, these utilities should help you stick with the CalendarApp and its Classes and Methods, by filling the need for a getEventById() function.

Advanced Calendar Service under the hood

There are two versions of getEventById(). This first one utilizes the Advanced Calendar Service, which must be enabled before use. The code is fairly straight-forward. You must provide the Calendar ID explicitly, since this isn't a Class Method. Example:

var calendarId = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar().getId();
var eventId = "smmd8h1dfe9lo9bip52hidnqk0";
var event = getEventById(calendarId, eventId);


 * Retrieve a CalendarApp CalendarEvent object from IDs.
 * This version utilizes the Advanced Calendar Service, which must be
 * enabled before use.
 * @param {string} calendarId   ID of calendar to be searched
 * @param {string} eventId      Event ID to match
 * @returns {CalendarEvent}     CalendarApp CalendarEvent object or null
function getEventById(calendarId, eventId) {
  // Get event by ID.
  var event = Calendar.Events.get(calendarId, eventId);
  // This isn't a CalendarApp CalendarEvent though, so use the info
  // in the event to find it AGAIN as the right type.

  // Get start & end times of event. All-day events start at start.date,
  // while other events start at start.datetime. Likewise for end.
  var startTime = parseDate(event.start.date||event.start.dateTime);
  var endTime = parseDate(event.end.date||event.end.dateTime);

  // Get array of events that fall between startTime & endTime
  var calEvents = CalendarApp.getEvents(startTime, endTime);

  // Search through those events, looking for a match by ID
  for (var i=0; i<calEvents.length; i++) {
    var curId = calEvents[i].getId().split('@')[0];  // extract id from [email protected]
    if (curId == eventId) {
      // Mission accomplished; we have an Event object with given id!
      return calEvents[i];
  // We did not find matching event
  return null;

Calendar API via UrlFetchApp

This version utilizes the Calendar API via UrlFetchApp, which doesn't require any special enablement. However, the code is more complex than the previous version.

 * Retrieve a CalendarApp CalendarEvent object from IDs.
 * This version utilizes the Calendar API via UrlFetchApp, so
 * requires no enablement. However, it's more complex.
 * @param {string} calendarId   ID of calendar to be searched
 * @param {string} eventId      Event ID to match
 * @returns {CalendarEvent}     CalendarApp CalendarEvent object or null
function getEventById(calendarId, eventId) {
  // Prepare a GET request to API URL, to Get event by ID.
  var url = "https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/calendarId/events/eventId"

  var options = {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer ' +  ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()

  // Send request
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
  var rc = response.getResponseCode();
  var text = response.getContentText();

  // If result code is 200OK, process response text
  if (rc == 200) {
    // The event is contained in the response text; parse it into an object
    var event = JSON.parse(text);
    // This isn't a CalendarApp CalendarEvent though, so use the info
    // in the event to find it AGAIN as the right type.

    // Get start & end times of event. All-day events start at start.date,
    // while other events start at start.datetime. Likewise for end.
    var startTime = parseDate(event.start.date||event.start.dateTime);
    var endTime = parseDate(event.end.date||event.end.dateTime);

    // Get array of events that fall between startTime & endTime
    var calEvents = CalendarApp.getEvents(startTime, endTime);

    // Search through those events, looking for a match by ID
    for (var i=0; i<calEvents.length; i++) {
      var curId = calEvents[i].getId().split('@')[0];  // extract id from [email protected]
      var desc = calEvents[i].getDescription();
      if (curId == eventId) {
        // Mission accomplished; we have an Event object with given id!
        return calEvents[i];
    // We did not find matching event
    return null;
    // An error in fetch, anything BUT 200
    throw new Error( ""+rc+JSON.parse(text).message );

Helper function

Both versions of getEventById() require this helper function, provided in Google's documentation.

 * From https://developers.google.com/apps-script/advanced/calendar#listing_events
 * Parses an RFC 3339 date or datetime string and returns a corresponding Date
 * object. This function is provided as a workaround until Apps Script properly
 * supports RFC 3339 dates. For more information, see
 * https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=3860
 * @param {string} string The RFC 3339 string to parse.
 * @return {Date} The parsed date.
function parseDate(string) {
  var parts = string.split('T');
  parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/-/g, '/');
  return new Date(parts.join(' '));

这篇关于Google Apps脚本:event.setTime错误和时间格式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 01:03