Is it possible to change connection string (or just server host) relying on selected web publish profile? Maybe using Web.config transform or someway else?
我的意思是个人资料测试改变连接字符串MyConnString(发表在Web.config文件),以数据源='example.com,14333; ......
和配置文件生产 - 以数据源= / SQLEx preSS; ......
I mean for profile "Test" change connection string "MyConnString" (in published Web.config) to "Data Source='example.com,14333;..."
and for profile "Production" - to "Data Source=./SQLExpress;..."
This is exactly what web config transforms were created for. The link you provided in your post has a walkthrough of doing this specifically for connection strings.
To start with the transforms, right-click your web.config file in the project explorer and choose "Add Config Transforms". Assuming that you have ConfigA and ConfigB in your solution configuration, there will be two new files added, Web.ConfigA.config and Web.ConfigB.config.
如果你打开这些新文件,他们将pretty除了一堆意见空。他们实际上包含其中一个连接字符串,例如,你可以使用,虽然 - 它看起来是这样的:
If you open these new files, they'll be pretty empty except for a bunch of comments. They actually contain a connection string example in them that you can use though - it looks like this:
<add name="MyDB"
connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
Uncomment this section, and change the "name" property to the name of the connection string in the base web.config file. Set the "connectionString" property to the actual value that you want to use for ConfigA. So, like this:
<add name="myConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=ConfigASqlServer;Initial Catalog=ConfigADatabase;Integrated Security=True"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
Repeat the process for the Web.ConfigB.config file, with the desired connection string for ConfigB.
现在,当您使用Visual Studio中发布命令,它会自动变换基地web.config文件,并设置的ConnectionString属性你,当你发布在任何配置。
Now when you use the Publish command in visual studio, it will automatically transform the base web.config file, and set the "connectionString" attribute to whatever configuration you're in when you publish.