我想让对象在几秒钟内改变它的位置.例如,它将到达"5 秒内的一个点.
I want to make the object change its position in a few seconds. For example, it will "reach" a point within 5 seconds.
Choose a position and reach it within a fixed number of time. It is possible? Does it have a function?
后例.我的对象在 (10f, 10f, 0)
我希望他在 2 秒内到达 (20f, 10f, 0)
Lat example. My object is in (10f, 10f, 0)
I want him to reach (20f, 10f, 0)
in 2 seconds.
更新:从头开始,例如它称为glide 10, 78. secs to 3";- 在 3 秒内移动到 10X、78Y
Update: in scratch, for example it called "glide 10, 78. secs to 3" - moving to 10X, 78Y in 3 seconds
除非您已经 90 岁,否则只需使用 tweeng.
Unless you're 90 years old, just use a tweeng.
StartCoroutine(5f.Tweeng( (p)=>transform.position=p,
endHere) );
它在 5 秒内从 startHere
到 endHere
it goes from startHere
to endHere
in 5 seconds.
tweeng 扩展只有几行代码,例如:https://stackoverflow.com/a/37228628/294884
A tweeng extension is only a few lines of code, example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37228628/294884
You can do anything with a tweeng, fade volume, twist objects, animate the size of type, fade images, whatever.
您将参与的每个大型项目都已经使用了 tweeng.再简单不过了.
Every single large project you'll ever work on, they already use tweeng. It couldn't be simpler.
这篇关于Unity 在特定秒数内将对象移动到一个点(变换)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!