


I have a simple project working nicely using JSX / React / Gatsby.

在另一个项目中,我有一个HTML格式的预先存在的页面(认为是登录页面),它非常复杂,使用Bootstrap 4样式精美,我们将其称为LandingPage.html和关联的LandingPage.css.

I have a pre-existing page (think landing page) in HTML in another project, quite complex, nicely styled using Bootstrap 4, let's call it LandingPage.html and an associated LandingPage.css.


I would like to add the landing page to my Gatsby site. So that for example when navigating to localhost:3000/LandingPage.html the landing page gets shown, properly styled etc.


I am not clear whether I have to fully convert my pre-existing HTML into a react component / JSX?Or whether I can just serve the LandingPage.html (and associated styling files) by placing it somewhere sensible in my Gatsby project structure?Or whether I have to create a react "wrapper" that at "run time" reads in the content of LandingPage.html and LandingPage.css?


Note: I've tried just putting the LandingPage.html and LandingPage.css into the /public folder and actually that does work! So maybe I've answered my own question. But is the the right way to do it?



That totally works! Just make sure not to create another page within Gatsby that overwrites your page :-)


07-27 21:10