

我有 JFrame ,其中 BorderLayout 作为布局管理器。

I have a JFrame with BorderLayout as the layout manager.

在南边境,我有 JPanel ,我想要这个 JPanel 的大小可由用户调整,即用户可以点击边框的边缘并向上拖动以使其变大。

In the south border, I have a JPanel, I want this JPanel's size to be adjustable by the user, i.e. the user can click on the edge of the border and drag it up to make it larger.


Is there any way you know that I can do this?



In order to make panels in a frame individually resizable you need to add them onto a JSplitPane.

不要将它放在框架的南部,而是将 JSplitPane 放在中心。拆分窗格将使拆分中的底部面板看起来像在南部,并且拆分中的顶部面板将位于框架的中心。

Instead of putting it in the South portion of the Frame, put the JSplitPane in the Center. The split pane will make the bottom panel in the split seem like it is in the South, and the top panel in the split will be in the Center of the frame.

确保使用 setOrientation(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT)设置两个面板的方向。

Make sure you set the orientation of the two panels with setOrientation(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT ).


Then, you can resize the panels that are in the pane.


09-05 15:36