

我添加了一个新应用(特别是),并且试图 ,但是不允许我这样做。我得到:

I've added a new app (specifically tastypie) and tried to syncdb however South won't let me. I get:

Not synced (use migrations):
 - tastypie

为什么当我不使用 manage.py convert_to_south tastypie 时,South会坚持这样做吗?

Why would South insist on this while I didn't use manage.py convert_to_south tastypie?


South管理任何带有/ migrations文件夹的应用。许多第三方应用程序都内置有迁移功能,如果向南迁移,则使用这些迁移功能(如果没有迁移,则使用syncdb,然后您便可以运行了。)。

South manages any app that has a /migrations folder under it. Many 3rd party apps come with migrations built in, if you have south then those migrations are used if not then syncdb runs and you're good to go.

convert_to_south 有点像IMO。它实际上运行时会生成与命令行-init 相同的东西,但也会生成-fake 相同的东西。它实际上并没有做所有特殊的事情。

convert_to_south is a bit of a hack IMO. It essentially runs generates the same thing as the command line --init would but also --fake it. It doesn't really do anything all that "special".


10-14 07:24