本文介绍了git subtree:可以更改分叉存储库中的子树分支/路径吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在存储库 A 中,文件夹 sub 作为存储库 S 的 git 子树包含 - 指向 master> 分支.

In a repository A the folder sub is included as git subtree of the repository S - pointing to master branch.

我已将存储库 A 分叉到 F.现在我想在 F 中执行以下操作之一:

I have forked repository A into F. Now I want to do one of the following in F:

  • 更改sub 以使用S 的不同分支(即develop 分支)
  • 或:更改 sub 以完全使用不同的存储库
  • change sub to use a different branch of S (ie develop branch)
  • or: change sub to use a different repository altogether


Is either one of these possible, and if so, how? Will there be any side effects I should know of?

当我合并更改(拉取请求)时,如何确保我的子树更改不会在存储库 A 中更新?我的意思是除了隔离提交.

And how can I make sure my subtree change won't be updated in repository A when I merge my changes (pull request)? I mean besides isolating commits.


如果你使用 git subtree(而不是 git submodule)来创建子树,那么它只是一个普通的目录.要将其切换到另一个分支,只需将其删除并从新分支重新创建子树.这是:

If you used git subtree (and not git submodule) to create the subtree, then it's just a normal dir. To switch it to another branch, just delete it and recreate the subtree from the new branch. This is:

git rm <subtree>
git commit
git subtree add --prefix=<subtree> <repository_url> <branch>


这篇关于git subtree:可以更改分叉存储库中的子树分支/路径吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 11:00