

我使用git-subtree(来自Avery Pennarun)。在我目前的git repo中,当然有
如果我现在使用 git clone 克隆这个git repo,我得到所有的项目文件和
<$将更改推回到子树lib的远程仓库c $ c> git子树push ,但它不起作用。问题是什么?我必须先将
作为子树添加到git subtree add?



免责声明,我怀疑我只是提前几天看到子树: - ) 如果您只是使用 git subtree push 您不会给子树足够的信息来提取和推送您的更改。

如果您克隆回购正确的子树已经在那里了。需要告知子树需要推送哪个子树(即使只有一个子树),并且还需要知道应该推到哪里 - 具体而言,您不希望推送到顶级回购站。因此,你需要这样的东西:

  git subtree push --prefix = lib [email protected]:arges-github / lib .git master 



  git subtree split  - 重新加入--branch = shared-changes --prefix = lib 


  git checkout lib-changes 


  git push [email protected]:arges -github / lib.git master 


  git subtree add --squash --prefix lib [email protected]:arges-github / lib.git master 


  git subtree pull --squash --prefix lib [email protected]:arges-github / lib.git master 
git push

I'm using git-subtree(from Avery Pennarun). In my current git repo I have of courseall my project files/folders and a subtree called "lib".If I now clone this git repo using git clone I get all of the project files andthe subtree "lib" (everything as it should be).What I tried now: I changed something within the subtree "lib" in the clonedrepo and tried to push the changes back to the remote repo of the subtree "lib" usinggit subtree push, but it didn't work. What is the problem? Do I have to add itas subtree first with git subtree add?

Thx in advance


Disclaimer, I suspect I am only a few days ahead of you learing about subtree :-)

If you are just using git subtree push you are not giving subtree enough information to extract and push your changes.

If you cloned the repo correctly the subtree will already be in there. Subtree needs to be told which subtree you want to push from (even if you only have one) and it also needs to know where to push to - specifically, you do not want to push to the top level repo. Hence, you want something like:

git subtree push --prefix=lib [email protected]:arges-github/lib.git master

Obviously the repo and refspec should be changed to match your repo.

If you want to look into what is happening here (and it does help) subtree actually splits the changes that affect the files inside the subtree into a different branch and then pushes that to the subtree repo. To see this happen, use subtree split

git subtree split --rejoin --branch=shared-changes --prefix=lib

then have a look at the branch you've made:

git checkout lib-changes

and, push them manually

git push [email protected]:arges-github/lib.git master

If this isn't working then it may be that you have not merged the subtree into your repo. When you add a subtree:

 git subtree add --squash --prefix lib [email protected]:arges-github/lib.git master

you also need to merge the subtree and push it back to your top level repo.

 git subtree pull --squash --prefix lib [email protected]:arges-github/lib.git master
 git push


10-11 15:39