


I moved my repo from a personal account to an organization, as more people are getting involved in the project. But if people have the old URL, I want them to be able to find the new location easily. How can I make that happen?

我知道GitHub不支持转发。我想用旧的名字创建一个简单的回购协议,其中一个指向新位置的 README.md ,但我想知道这是否会给任何分叉的人带来麻烦位置?

I know that GitHub doesn't support forwarding. I thought of creating a trivial repo at the old name, with a README.md pointing to the new location, but I wonder if that will create trouble for anyone who forked the old location?


如果SHA1在您移动的回购库中保持不变,那么他们可以再次分叉,并查看他们是否可以继续将他们的提交从现有的本地克隆推送到他们的新分支(通过简单地删除他们的旧分支并再次分叉:如果名称没有改变,他们甚至不需要用 git remote set-url

If the SHA1 are unchanged in your moved repo, they can simply fork again, and see if they can go on pushing their commit from their existing local clone to their new fork (by simply deleting their old fork and forking again: if the name is unchanged, they wouldn't even have to change the remote url for their fork with a git remote set-url)


But if the SHA1 differs, then the people who forked the old location is will have to report their local commits onto a new local repo, which will be the clone of a new fork from the new organization repo.


10-30 02:22