

我正在尝试使用PostgreSQL的 currval 函数返回名为 Concept 的表的最后插入的行ID。 Concept 有一个名为 cid 的串行主键,并且有一个自动生成的名为 Concept_cid_seq

I am trying to use PostgreSQL's currval function to return the last inserted row id of a table called Concept. Concept has a serial primary key called cid and there was an automatically generated Sequence called Concept_cid_seq.


I try the following statement and get an error:

SELECT currval("Concept_cid_seq");
ERROR:  column "Concept_cid_seq" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT currval("Concept_cid_seq");

********** Error **********

ERROR: column "Concept_cid_seq" does not exist
SQL state: 42703
Character: 16


SELECT * from "Concept_cid_seq";


I get a table with one row (as I'd expect) showing columns like last_value, start_value, etc...


What am I missing here? Am I passing the wrong information to currval? Why does it say the 'column does not exist?'


事实证明,这是大写和引号引起的问题。因为我想保留关系名称的大写字母,所以我需要使用 both 单引号双引号,以便将正确的关系名称传递给 currval

It turns out that this was an issue with capitalization and quotes. Because I wanted to preserve the capitalization of the relation name I needed to use both single and double quotes in order to pass the correct relation name to currval.

我将查询更改为 SELECT currval(' Concept_cid_seq'); (请注意外部单引号)并且可以正常工作。

I changed the query to SELECT currval('"Concept_cid_seq"'); (note the outer single quotes) and it worked correctly.


07-16 07:46