我对 Php PDO 函数有点困惑:lastInsertID.如果我理解正确,它会返回插入到数据库中的最后一个自动增量 ID.
I have little confusion about the Php PDO function: lastInsertID. If I understand correctly, it returns the last auto-incremental id that was inserted in the database.
I usually use this function when I execute a query that inserts a user in my database when I am creating the functionality of registering a user.
My question is that say I have a hundred people registering on my site at one point for example. And may be one user hit the 'Register' button a millisecond after another user. Then is there a chance that this function lastInsertId will return the id of another user that register just momentarily earlier?
可能是我想问的是服务器是否一次处理一个请求并一次处理一个 php 文件?
May be what I am trying to ask is does the server handle one request at a time and go through a php file one at a time?
完全安全.没有竞争条件.它只从进行插入的 pdo 对象返回最后插入的 Id.
Perfectly safe. There is no race condition. It only returns the last inserted Id from the pdo object that made the insert.
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