

我们目前正在评估一个BPM引擎的过程,我真的AP preciate社会各界意见。我做我自己的尽职调查,也想听听基于实现故事的建议。

We are currently in the process of evaluating a BPM engine and I'd really appreciate the community input. I am doing my own due diligence but would also like to hear on the suggestion based on implementation stories.


  1. 开源和OEM友好的许可

  2. 生产装置(成功案例有很大的帮助)

  3. 商业支持可用

  4. 开启标准支持 - BPMN

  5. 基于输入工作流的动态创建/组装

  6. 嵌入

目前我正在评估的Activiti和jBPM。 开放BPM似乎是一个很好的候选人,以及,但从来没有使用过。你们是否有任何博尼塔成功的部署?

Currently I am evaluating Activiti and JBPM. Bonita open BPM seems like a good candidate as well but never used it. Do you guys have any successful deployments on Bonita?


我刚刚一直在做的Activiti的评估VS jBPM的。

I've just been doing an evaluation of Activiti vs jBPM.


In fact there seems to be very little between the two solutions.

  1. Activiti的就是Apache V2,jBPM的5.0也是Apache的V2。

  2. 我们目前正在使用的Activiti,但该项目仍然在开发中,所以我不能在其生产的鲁棒性评论。

  3. jBPM是开始产品化过程,所以对于5.x的支持将在2012年第一季度上市,见幻灯片32:jBPM演示。 jBPM 4中,不是由红帽支持。

  4. jBPM的4.x版不支持BPMN 2.0,但5.x的呢,Activiti的确实也是如此。 jBPM的5.0刚刚发布,其中包括BPMN 2.0的支持。所以,现在这两种解决方案支持BPMN 2.0。

  5. 我不太明白你的这个是什么意思,但你可以通过这两个API做了很多

  6. 同样,不知道你这是什么意思,你的意思是嵌入作为应用程序服务器的一部分,在这种情况下,是两个解决方案。

  1. Activiti is Apache V2, jBPM 5.0 is also Apache V2.
  2. We're currently using Activiti, but the project is still in dev, so I can't comment on its robustness in production.
  3. jBPM is beginning the productization process, so support for 5.x will be available in Q1 2012, see slide 32: jBPM demo. jBPM 4 was not supported by Redhat.
  4. jBPM 4.x did not support BPMN 2.0, but 5.x does, Activiti does as well. jBPM 5.0 has just been released, which includes support for BPMN 2.0. So now both solutions support BPMN 2.0.
  5. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but you can do a lot through both APIs
  6. Again, not sure what you mean by this, do you mean embedded as part of an application server, in which case, yes for both solutions.


One of our criteria for jBPM was the interaction with Guvnor, and when I downloaded and ran the demo install for jBPM (28/03/2011) and there still seemed to be some major bugs (GUVNOR-1274), so I personally would test a lot more before I chose to pursue this solution.


In fact, we will be recommending one of the above two solutions, but we're not sure which yet, we'll look at it more closely later this year.


09-13 14:33