


How can I access a database from a jBPM process ? Do you think I can connect to a database using a script task, or the entry/exit action of a human task?



I would advice against using entry/exit action of a human task to store code, it can be a nightmare to figure out where did you place code since there is no visual clue when a human task has code.

您可以尝试执行脚本任务,或者按照核心开发人员的建议,可以使用自定义WorkitemHandler.后者将有助于从bpmn2文件中分离代码,并且自定义服务任务将更易于在其他进程中重用,而不是复制/粘贴.您可以在此处找到文档(jBPM 6) http://docs.jboss .org/jbpm/v6.0.1/userguide/jBPMDomainSpecificProcesses.html

You could try a script task or, as core developers recommend, you can use a custom WorkitemHandler. The latter will help in separation of code from the bpmn2 file and a custom service task will be easier to reuse in other processes instead of copy/paste. You can find the documentation here (jBPM 6) http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v6.0.1/userguide/jBPMDomainSpecificProcesses.html


10-23 07:33