

从Pentium Pro(P6微体系结构)开始,英特尔重新设计了其微处理器,并根据旧的CISC指令使用了内部RISC内核。由于Pentium Pro,所有的CISC指令都被划分为较小的部分,然后由RISC内核执行。

Starting with Pentium Pro (P6 microarchitecture), Intel redesigned it's microprocessors and used internal RISC core under the old CISC instructions. Since Pentium Pro all CISC instructions are divided into smaller parts (uops) and then executed by the RISC core.

对我来说,很明显,英特尔决定隐藏新的内部架构,并迫使程序员使用 CISC shell。由于这一决定,英特尔可以完全重新设计微处理器体系结构而不破坏兼容性,这是合理的。

At the beginning it was clear for me that Intel decided to hide new internal architecture and force programmers to use "CISC shell". Thanks to this decision Intel could fully redesign microprocessors architecture without breaking compatibility, it's reasonable.

但是我不明白一件事,为什么英特尔仍然保留内部RISC指令集藏了这么多年?他们为什么不让程序员使用RISC指令,就像使用旧的x86 CISC指令集一样?

However I don't understand one thing, why Intel still keeps an internal RISC instructions set hidden for so many years? Why wouldn't they let programmers use RISC instructions like the use old x86 CISC instructions set?


If Intel keeps backward compatibility for so long (we still have virtual 8086 mode next to 64 bit mode), Why don't they allow us compile programs so they will bypass CISC instructions and use RISC core directly? This will open natural way to slowly abandon x86 instructions set, which is deprecated nowadays (this is the main reason why Intel decided to use RISC core inside, right?).


Looking at new Intel 'Core i' series I see, that they only extends CISC instructions set adding AVX, SSE4 and others.



No, the x86 instruction set is certainly not deprecated. It is as popular as ever. The reason Intel uses a set of RISC-like micro-instructions internally is because they can be processed more efficiently.

因此,x86 CPU的工作负荷非常大前端的解码器,它接受x86指令,并将它们转换为后端可以处理的优化内部格式。

So a x86 CPU works by having a pretty heavy-duty decoder in the frontend, which accepts x86 instructions, and converts them to an optimized internal format, which the backend can process.


As for exposing this format to "external" programs, there are two points:

  • 这不是稳定的格式。英特尔可以在不同的CPU模型之间进行更改,以最适合特定的体系结构。这样一来,他们可以最大程度地提高效率,并且如果他们必须为内部使用以及外部使用确定固定,稳定的指令格式,那么这种优势就会丧失。

  • 没有什么可做的通过这样做而获得。在当今庞大而复杂的CPU中,解码器在CPU中所占的比例相对较小。必须解码x86指令会使情况变得更加复杂,但是其余的CPU却不受影响,因此总体而言,几乎没有什么收获,特别是因为为了执行旧版代码,x86前端仍然必须存在。因此,您甚至都不会保存x86前端上当前使用的晶体管。

这不是一个完美的安排,但是成本很小,与设计支持两个完全不同的指令集的CPU相比,这是一个更好的选择。 (在那种情况下,他们可能最终发明了第三套微操作供内部使用,只是因为可以对其进行自由调整以使其最适合CPU的内部架构)。

This isn't quite a perfect arrangement, but the cost is fairly small, and it's a much better choice than designing the CPU to support two completely different instruction sets. (In that case, they'd probably end up inventing a third set of micro-ops for internal use, just because those can be tweaked freely to best fit the CPU's internal architecture)


07-16 00:24