本文介绍了如何将C ++中的2D数组传递给Fortran子例程?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在编写一个小C ++程序,它将一个2-D数组(复数)传递给一个Fortran子程序,并接收它返回的值。我写了一个版本,它传递和接收1-D数组,这很好。 2-D版本不工作(我的真正目标是编写大尺寸的4-D版本,因此这些数组必须动态分配)。

I am writing a small C++ program which passes a 2-D array (of complex numbers) to a Fortran subroutine and receives it back filled with values. I wrote a version which passes and receives a 1-D array, and this works well. The 2-D version doesn't work (my true goal is to write a 4-D version with large dimensions - so these arrays have to be dynamically allocated).


I will post both my working code and non-working code, but first note that I was forced to use structs (simple ones, just containing two doubles) because Fortran seems to interpret these in exactly the same way as its own native complex numbers. This is why my 1-D version works. For the same reason, I don't think this is a 'complex number' issue.


Here is my working code. Passing 1-D array of complex numbers to Fortran subroutine:


The Fortran subroutine:

subroutine carray(A)
complex*16 A(2)

A(1) = cmplx(3,7)
A(2) = cmplx(9,5)



include <iostream>
include <complex>
using namespace std;

struct cpx{double r, i;};

   void carray_(struct cpx* A);

int main()
   struct cpx* A;
   A = new struct cpx [2];


   complex<double>* P;
   P = new complex<double> [2];

   for(x = 0; x < 2; x++)
      real(P[x] = A[x].r;
      imag(P[x] = A[x].i;

   cout << real(P[0]) << "\t" << imag(P[0]) << "\n";
   cout << real(P[1]) << "\t" << imag(P[1]) << "\n";

   return 0;


Compiling with the following commands works without complaint:

gfortran -c CarrayF.f
g++ -c CarrayC.cc
g++ -o Carray CarrayC.o CarrayF.o -lgfortran

所以只要我把(native)Fortran复数处理成两个双精度的结构,我可以把它们放入(非本地的)C ++复杂类型。Fortran子程序似乎是一个完美的快乐接收指针

So as long as I treat the (native) Fortran complex number like a struct of two doubles, I can put them into the (non-native) C++ complex type. The Fortran subroutine seems to be perfectly happy receiving a pointer where it expects an array. So far so good.


Here is my non-working attempt to pass a 2D array:


The Fortran code:

subroutine carray(A)
complex*16 A(2,2)

A(1,1) = cmplx(3,7)
A(1,2) = cmplx(9,5)
A(2,1) = cmplx(2,3)
A(2,2) = cmplx(4,9)


C ++代码:

include <iostream>
include <complex>
using namespace std;

struct cpx{double r, i;};

   void carray_(struct cpx** A);

int main()
   struct cpx** A;
   A = new struct cpx* [2];
   for(int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
      A[x] = new struct cpx [2];


   complex<double>** P;
   P = new complex<double>* [2];
   for(int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
      P[x] = new complex<double> [2];

   for(x = 0; x < 2; x++)
      for(int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
         real(P[x][y] = A[x][y].r;
         imag(P[x][y] = A[x][y].i;

   cout << real(P[0][0]) << "\t" << imag(P[0][0]) << "\n";
   cout << real(P[0][1]) << "\t" << imag(P[0][1]) << "\n";
   cout << real(P[1][0]) << "\t" << imag(P[1][0]) << "\n";
   cout << real(P[1][1]) << "\t" << imag(P[1][1]) << "\n";

   return 0;


This actually compiles without complaint (same compilation procedure as for the 1-D version), but running the executable produces an immediate segmentation fault. Because of the headache of using two languages together, the debugger is not being helpful.

我有一个微不足道的错误在某个地方,我似乎没有超过任何数组边界。 Fortran子例程很乐意接收一个指针,但显然它不知道如何处理一个指针的指针。通常,Fortran只是处理数组名称,甚至对于多维数组,但我需要了解Fortran如何处理2D数组。

Have I made a trivial error somewhere? I don't seem to be exceeding any array bounds. The Fortran subroutine is happy to receive a pointer, but obviously it doesn't understand what to do with a pointer to a pointer. Ordinarily, Fortran would simply deal in terms of array names, even for multidimensional arrays, but I need to understand how Fortran deals with 2D arrays.



Multidimensional arrays in Fortran are stored as flat column-major arrays in memory. They are not pointers to pointers—they're really just 1D arrays where you have to do some extra arithmetic to compute array indices.

从C ++传递数组的正确方法是这样的:

The correct way to pass the array from C++ is like this:

extern "C" void carray_(struct cpx *A);
struct cpx A[2*2];

complex<double> P[2][2];
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        // note order of indicies: A is column-major
        P[i][j] = std::complex<double>(A[j*2 + i].r, A[j*2 + i].i);

这篇关于如何将C ++中的2D数组传递给Fortran子例程?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 18:13