我正在想一些代码,让我可以搜索我的 ArrayList 并检测好值"的共同范围之外的任何值.
I'm trying to think of some code that will allow me to search through my ArrayList and detect any values outside the common range of "good values."
我如何编写代码来检测(在本例中)13 和 22 不在 100 左右的良好值"范围内?
How would I be able to write the code to detect that (in this case) 13 and 22 don't fall within the "good values" of around 100?
有几个标准 用于检测异常值.最简单的,如Chauvenet 标准,使用从样本计算的均值和标准差确定值的正常"范围.任何超出此范围的值都被视为异常值.
There are several criteria for detecting outliers. The simplest ones, like Chauvenet's criterion, use the mean and standard deviation calculated from the sample to determine a "normal" range for values. Any value outside of this range is deemed an outlier.
其他标准是 Grubb's test 和 Dixon 的 Q 检验,并且可能会给出比 Chauvenet 更好的结果,例如,如果样本来自偏斜分布.
Other criterions are Grubb's test and Dixon's Q test and may give better results than Chauvenet's for example if the sample comes from a skew distribution.
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