


push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 128 ; large space for storing doubles, for example

如何现在通过rsp +正偏移量或通过rbp +负偏移量引用局部变量?

How to reference local variables now, via rsp + positive offset, or via rbp + negative offset?

阅读 https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Disassembly/Functions_and_Stack_Frames ,的确是可以理解的.它写

Reading https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Disassembly/Functions_and_Stack_Frames, indeed quite understandable.It writes

... esp的值不能可靠地用于确定(使用适当的偏移量)特定局部变量的存储位置.为了解决这个问题,许多编译器使用ebp寄存器中的负偏移量来访问局部变量.


Why not reliable? Until that question I was accessing local variables via rsp, like this:

mov rax, [rsp+.length] ; get length of array
mov [rsp+8], rax ; store sum at the stack


everything goes quite nicely using rsp for stack referencing.



Look at gcc output. It defaults to -fomit-frame-pointer when optimizing, only making a stack frame when functions use variable-length arrays or it needs to align the stack to more than 16B.


That wiki page is basically wrong. There's no scary weird stuff that makes it "unreliable". The only time you can't do it is when you need to modify RSP by an amount that isn't an assemble-time constant.

但是,如果 do push rbp/mov rbp, rsp创建堆栈帧,则应该使用RBP相对寻址模式.效率更高,因为[rsp + 8]需要一个额外的字节来编码(与[rbp - 8]相比).以RSP为基址的寻址模式始终需要一个SIB字节,即使没有索引寄存器也是如此.

However, if you do make a stack frame with push rbp / mov rbp, rsp, you should use RBP-relative addressing modes. It's more efficient, because [rsp + 8] takes an extra byte to encode (vs. [rbp - 8]). Addressing modes with RSP as the base register always need a SIB byte, even when there's no index register.


The point of using RSP-relative addressing modes is that you can avoid wasting instructions making a stack frame, so RBP is just another call-saved register (like RBX) that you can save/restore and use for whatever you want.


The other big advantage to RBP-relative addressing is that the offset from RBP to a given variable stays constant for the entire function. Unlike compilers, we puny humans are easily confused by pushes and pops which change RSP inside a function. Of course, 64-bit code hardly ever changes RSP inside a function between the prologue and epilogue, because both ABIs pass args in registers. Saving/restoring some call-preserved registers (like RBX or R12-R15) in the prologue/epilogue is often better than having push/pop inside the function (and definitely better than inside a loop). When you need to spill/reload, mov for random access is usually best.


In 32-bit code, making a stack frame in hand-written code often makes more sense, esp. for maintainability. In 64-bit code, it's usually not much of an issue. Although saving/restoring an extra register with an extra pair of push/pop does change the stack layout, which does matter if any args were passed on the stack (e.g. a large struct by value, but write your function to take a const-pointer arg instead!).


09-16 05:28