本文介绍了迭代JSON&amp;将其转换为C#的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 您好, 我想迭代这个json并将其转换为C#对象,但问题是standard_room和executive_room是动态的,它可以是任何其他类型的房间也是如此无法在设计时创建任何类。 { room_types:{ Standard_Room :{ price: 13136 。 200000 , 费用: 0 , fees_at_checkout: 0 , tax: 0 , taxes_at_checkout: 0 , final_price: 13136 。 200000 , currency: INR, num_rooms: 1 }, Executive_Room:{ price: 10771 。 684000 , 费用: 0 , fees_at_checkout: 0 , 税: 0 , taxes_at_checkout: 0 , final_price: 10771 。 684000 , currency: INR, num_rooms: 1 } } } 解决方案 尝试 fastJSON.JSON.ToDynamic(): fastJSON [ ^ ] 你可以做h好像, 如果你想转换这个JSON那么, 例如, 类房间 {有些房产} 房间[] obj = null; JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); obj = ser.Deserialize(JsonString,typeof(Rooms []))as Rooms []; 如果想要这个列表那么, List< rooms> room = obj.toList< rooms>(); 让我们知道它是怎么回事。 感谢。 Hello,I want to iterate this json and convert it to C# object but problem is standard_room and executive_room are dynamic it can be anything other room type also so cannot create any classes at design time. { "room_types":{ "Standard_Room":{ "price":13136.200000, "fees":0, "fees_at_checkout":0, "taxes":0, "taxes_at_checkout":0, "final_price":13136.200000, "currency":"INR", "num_rooms":1 }, "Executive_Room":{ "price":10771.684000, "fees":0, "fees_at_checkout":0, "taxes":0, "taxes_at_checkout":0, "final_price":10771.684000, "currency":"INR", "num_rooms":1 } }} 解决方案 Try fastJSON.JSON.ToDynamic() : fastJSON[^]you can do here like,if you want to convert this JSON then,Example,Class Rooms{With some properties}Rooms[] obj=null;JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();obj = ser.Deserialize(JsonString, typeof(Rooms[])) as Rooms[];if want this to be list then,List<rooms> room=obj.toList<rooms>();let us know how it goes.Thanks. 这篇关于迭代JSON&amp;将其转换为C#的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-23 17:15