







我的问题归结到会发生什么是内存中的每个堆,即不使用应用程序(提交)不再,但仍保留由.NET? 什么时候释放回操作系统?


没有阻挡终结和一切看起来健康的一个过程 - 它可能已经运行了数周之前就引发了监视警报(例如)

试图进一步澄清的问题,如果你读苔丝<一href="http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tess/archive/2006/09/06/net-memory-usage-a-restaurant-analogy.aspx?PageIndex=1">.NET内存管理 - 一个餐厅比喻,如果​​表是堆段,并在餐厅会失去表(例如免费堆段)?


  1. 删除混乱参考工作集和鸡
  2. 添加引用苔丝餐厅比喻

我的答案是 - 这并不重要。操作系统给应用程序(.NET运行库运行在其中)的虚拟内存的。这不是真正的记忆。操作系统可以把虚拟内存的每一页无论它喜欢 - 在处理器上,在主内存中,在磁盘上。因此,它有可能为一个应用程序来使用更多的内存比RAM的系统的数量,操作系统将复制都需要/从磁盘到确保应用程序中的位保持运行(模一定的寻址和放大器;技术限制)




  1. 的拨款段是虚拟分配,这意味着尽管我们保留的虚拟内存的,我们只的提交的我们实际使用,因此专用字节的用于段是不一样的段大小,这意味着一个GC后,您的私人字节会下降,而虚拟字节将保持不变。

  2. 当段将不再使用,也就是说,如果你碰巧GC一切都在一个段,使其不再包含任何.NET对象,则返回虚拟分配回操作系统。


The Setup

.NET allocates memory for each generation’s heap (0, 1, 2, LOH) in segments to get a continuous block of memory, on startup, and when it attempts to satisfy an allocation request, after a collection.

This memory allocated for each heap will likely level off as the application "warms up", except potentially for generation 2, and large object heap. During a garbage collection, each heap (0, 1, 2) is swept and compacted, except for the large object heap (LOH), which is just swept.

I understand the ‘sweep’ part of a collection to mean that the GC identifies which objects are no longer rooted and are available for collection (or finalization) and that ‘compact’ means that the addresses that are still alive in a heap are reorganized so that the available remaining heap has more continuous memory available to it.

As the budget for each segment within the heap is exceeded, .NET will allocate another segment in order to fulfill allocations if it can.

The Question

My question comes down to what happens to that memory in each heap, that is not be used by the application (committed) any longer, but is still reserved by .NET? When is it released back to the OS?.

I believe this to be the scenario where a process might appear to be consuming a lot of memory (virtual size is quite large, but private bytes small), but when inspecting its heaps are mostly free space. As another caveat, the total size of the heaps may also be quite small, and not account for the memory being consumed by the process.

There is no blocked finalizer and all looks healthy for a process - it may have been running for weeks before it triggered a monitor alert (e.g.).

Trying for further clarification of the question, if you read Tess .NET Memory Management - A Restaurant Analogy, if the tables are heap segments, does the restaurant ever lose tables (e.g. free heap segments)?


  1. Removed confusing reference to working set and chickens
  2. Added reference to Tess restaurant analogy

My answer is - it doesn't matter. The OS gives the application (within which the .NET runtime runs) virtual memory. This is not 'real' memory. The OS can put each page of virtual memory wherever it likes - on the processor, in main memory, on the disk. So, it is possible for an app to use more memory than the amount of RAM on the system, and the OS will copy the bits that are needed to/from disk to ensures the app keeps running (modulo certain addressing & technical limitations).

The OS manages the virtual memory of all the processes on the system, and ensures that one program doesn't hog all the RAM on the system to the detriment of other programs. When the .NET runtime asks for memory from the system for use in the heaps, but then doesn't use it, this memory will (if the system is low on free RAM) be moved to disk, because it isn't being accessed.

Clarification via email from Tess: (emphasis mine)

The segment sizes stay the same throughout the course of the application, but there are two things to consider here.

  1. The allocations for a segment is a virtual allocation, meaning that while we reserve virtual memory, we only commit what we actually use, so the private bytes used for a segment is not the same as the segment size, this means that after a GC, your private bytes will go down, while your virtual bytes will stay the same.

  2. When a segment is no longer used, i.e. if you happen to GC everything in a segment so that it no longer contains any .net objects, the virtual alloc is returned back to the OS.

Taking that on faith, then heap segments (restaurant tables) will be returned back to the OS.


08-04 05:18