

我能够正确安装 text-icu .(我使用-extra-lib-dirs -extra-include-dirs 指向 lib include icu4c的二进制发行版中的目录.)

I was able to cabal install text-icu without errors. (I used --extra-lib-dirs and --extra-include-dirs to point to the lib and include directories in the binary distribution of icu4c.)

通过执行 ghc --make icu.hs ,我还能够构建以下使用 text-icu 的简单程序:

I was also able to build the following simple program that uses text-icu, by doing ghc --make icu.hs:

-- icu.hs
import Data.Text.ICU
main = print $ Locale "tr-TR"

这两个步骤中没有错误或警告.但是,当我尝试运行编译后的程序 icu.exe 时,根本没有输出.我期望得到与 Locale"tr-TR" 的一行,但是我什么也没得到-甚至没有错误或警告.如果我尝试,情况仍然如此

No errors or warnings in either of these steps. But when I try to run the compiled program, icu.exe, I get no output at all. I expected to get a line with Locale "tr-TR", but instead I get nothing -- not even an error or warning. This remains the case if I try

main = do
  print $ Locale "tr-TR"
  print "Done"

因此使用 text-icu 东西似乎会导致程序无提示地失败. echo $?产生 False .

so using the text-icu stuff seems to cause the program to silently fail. echo $? yields False.

有人在Windows上启动并运行 text-icu 吗?你能告诉我我在做什么错吗?

Does anyone have text-icu up and running on Windows? Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Stack 包含msys2的副本在Windows中,其中包含 pacman 程序包管理器,因此我们可以运行:

Stack includes a copy of msys2 on Windows, which contains the pacman package manager, so we can run:

stack exec -- pacman -Sy mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-icu
stack build text-icu


10-13 22:31