本文介绍了ScenicView 8.7.0不会在其中加载已打开的JAVA FX应用程序以检查元素的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在JDK 8上安装了ScenicView 8.7.0.我需要检查在Ubuntu 16.04上运行的JAVA FX应用程序(不希望使用Linux版本).

I have ScenicView 8.7.0 installed with JDK 8. I need to inspect the JAVA FX application which is running on Ubuntu 16.04(Hope Linux version is not the concern).

ScenicView确实根据以下日志找到了打开的JAVA FX应用程序,但是在ScenicView的UI中,没有显示任何应用程序.[使用无尽的微调器在ScenicView中显示正在扫描JavaFX应用程序"消息].任何帮助表示赞赏.

ScenicView does find the opened JAVA FX application as per the following logs, but in UI of ScenicView, no application is getting displayed. ["Scanning for JavaFX applications" message displayed in ScenicView with endless spinner]. Any help appreciated.


At ScenicView terminal logs I am getting following lines

Platform running
Launching ScenicView v8.7.0
Startup done
Creating server
Server done
Number of running Java applications found: 1
Obtaining properties for Java application with PID:2731
1 JavaFX applications found
Loading agent from: /home/pravin.ware/RF/scenicView.jar
Loading agent for:sun.tools.attach.LinuxAttachProvider@5dec8822: 2731 ID:2731 on port:7559 took:0ms using agent defined in /home/pravin.ware/RF/scenicView.jar
Launching agent server on:7559:7558:2731:true
Finding RemoteConnector connection for agent...
2018-09-17T10:49:35.388Z [ INFO] CSS Monitoring is about to start
2018-09-17T10:49:35.493Z [ INFO] CSS Monitoring started
2018-09-17T10:49:35.493Z [ INFO] starting to monitor physical files
RemoteConnector found:Proxy[RemoteConnector,RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](remote),objID:[5a63221f:165e72659de:-7fff, 7020829788853889890]]]]]
Remote agent started on port:7559


我终于找到了问题所在.它与Scenicview.jar无关.出问题的只是我正在测试的应用程序.该应用程序是混合应用程序(Swing + JavaFX).因此,ScenicView无法找到元素.

I figured out the problem finally. It had nothing to do with Scenicview.jar. All went wrong was the Application I was testing. The application was the hybrid app (Swing+ JavaFX). Hence, ScenicView was failing to locate the elements.

这篇关于ScenicView 8.7.0不会在其中加载已打开的JAVA FX应用程序以检查元素的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-18 21:03