

我正在尝试使Dexguard在收缩和混淆我的代码时不剥离日志记录功能.因此,我在 Dexguard 配置文件中评论了以下说明:

I am trying to make Dexguard not stripping out logging functions when it is shrinking and obfuscating my code. I have therefore commented the following instruction in Dexguard configuration file:

-assumenosideeffects类android.util.Log {...}


Once this instruction is commented, build fails with the following error message :

任务':app:dexguardRelease'的执行失败.>指令的常量索引大小无效([699742] ldc_w#65536)

我首先想到的问题是与Android 64K限制有关,但是当禁用dexguard或将其启用并设置为去除日志记录功能时,构建成功.

I have first thought that the problem was related to Android 64K limits but the build successes when dexguard is disabled or when it is enabled and set to strip out the logging functions.

dexguard是否有可能混淆诸如 Log.d()之类的功能,这些功能可能包含长字符串作为输入参数?

Is it possible that dexguard has troubles obfuscating functions like Log.d() that can contain long strings as input arguments?



在该类中,您可能结合了 -encryptstrings ** 指令来使用许多调试字符串.

You probably have lots of debug strings in this class in combination with an -encryptstrings ** directive.


This will lead to a large number of encrypted strings in a single class leading to errors as described in your post.

我建议您重新访问您的 -encryptstrings 规则,并仅对真正敏感的规则进行加密.

I would suggest that you revisit your -encryptstrings rules, and only encrypt the ones that are really sensitive.


07-17 04:58