

primes :: [Int]
primes = sieve [2..]

sieve :: [Int] -> [Int]
sieve (p:xs)= p:sieve[x|x<-xs,x `mod` p /= 0]

f :: Int->Int
f n = head [x|x<-[0,(product (filter (<n) primes))..],x/=0,sum (map (x `mod`) [1..n]) == 0]

并键入f 20
失败...... plz help me

load into GHCiand type "f 20"fail...... plz help me


问题是用过滤器(< n)素数。由于素数是一个非常长的 very long1 list, this takes a long time to terminate since it doesn't know that (< n) will eventually return False for all primes past a certain point in the list, so it has to keep checking the entire list.

> filter (< 20) primes

使用 takeWhile(< n)素数取而代之。

Use takeWhile (< n) primes instead.

> takeWhile (< 20) primes

1 由于 [Int] 类型,它是有限的。如果它是 [Integer] ,它将是无限的。

1 It's finite because of the type [Int]. If it was [Integer], it would be infinite.


08-05 22:28