本文介绍了$stateChangeStart 事件在状态改变后继续的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用以下方法将用户发送到 Angular 中的特定关闭"UI 状态:

I'm attempting to send the user to a specific 'closed' UI State in Angular using the following:

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
  // check the destination is active
  if(toState.data.isClosed) { // note that the 'closed' state has isClosed set to false
  $rootScope.data = toState.data;  // getting executed twice after our state transition to 'closed'

我遇到的问题是 $rootScope.data = toState.data 在我们转换到关闭"状态后被调用两次.

The issue I'm having is that $rootScope.data = toState.data is getting called twice AFTER we've transitioned to the 'closed' state.

第一次 $startChangeStart 在导航到我们在路由器中设置的 data.isClosed = true 'order' 状态时执行,状态更改为 'closed' 并且有问题的代码不会被执行.

On the first time $startChangeStart executes when navigating to our 'order' state with data.isClosed = true set in the router, the state is changed to 'closed' and the code in question doesn't get executed.

当我们现在将状态更改为关闭"时,$startChangeStart 再次被触发,并且有问题的代码第一次执行,toState 是我们的关闭"状态.

As we are changing states to 'closed' now, $startChangeStart gets triggered again, and the code in question executes for the first time with toState being our 'closed' state.

奇怪的是,代码随后被执行,在 if() 逻辑之后开始,toState 是 'order' 的原始状态......意味着当一切都加载完毕时, $rootScope.data 变量包含来自订单"而不是关闭".加了几个断点,上面的调试代码就确认了.

Strangely, the code is then subsequently executed, starting after the if() logic with toState being the original state of 'order'... meaning that when everything is loaded up, the $rootScope.data variable contains the data from 'order' rather than 'closed'. Adding a few breakpoints and the debugging code above confirms.



由于状态转换为关闭"状态的执行模式,我添加了一个 return 以确保在 $state.go() 调用后继续执行被终止.修改后的代码:

Due to the execution pattern with the state transition to the 'closed' state, I've added a return to ensure that the continued execution after the $state.go() call is terminated. Revised code:

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
  // check the destination is active
  if(toState.data.isClosed) { // note that the 'closed' state has isClosed set to false
  $rootScope.data = toState.data;  // getting executed twice after our state transition to 'closed'


This is now working as expected, but I'm not sure it's 'correct'.


带有 return 语句的解决方案简单正确.我创建了这个游乐场,您可以在其中进行测试.

The solution with return statement is simple correct. I created this playground, where you can test that.

让我们拥有这些状态.首先是 isClosed false 的一些状态 - 不应由我们的事件侦听器管理

Let's have these states. Firstly some state with isClosed false - which should not be managed by our event listener

  .state('state1', {
    url: "/state1",
    template: "<div>this is a state1</div>",
    data: { isClosed : false },
  .state('state2', {
    url: "/state2",
    template: "<div>this is a state2</div>",
    data: { isClosed : false },


  .state('stateClosed1', {
    url: "/stateClosed1",
    template: "<div>this is a stateClosed1</div>",
    data: { isClosed : true },
  .state('stateClosed2', {
    url: "/stateClosed2",
    template: "<div>this is a stateClosed2</div>",
    data: { isClosed : true },
  // even this would be handy
  .state('closed', {
    url: "/closed",
    template: "<div>this is a closed</div>",
    data: { isClosed : false },

现在,每当我们进入任何状态时,都会触发 $stateChangeStart 事件.因此,如果我们转到未处理"状态 (state1, state2) - 事件将被触发一次.

Now, whenever we go to any state, the event $stateChangeStart is fired. So if we go to "not handled" states (state1, state2) - the event will be triggered once.

如果我们去处理状态(stateClosed1, stateClosed2),事件总是被触发两次:

If we go to handled states (stateClosed1, stateClosed2), event is fired always twice:

  • 转到 stateClosed1
  • 转到已关闭


Just to be sure: the event is really fired twice. And that's why we should write these listeners rather like this (get out ASAP):

  $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams
                                                    , fromState, fromParams) {

    // get out if we already go to state, which is about to be handled below
    if(toState.name === "closed") {

    // check the destination is active
    if (toState.data.isClosed) { // note that the 'closed'
      event.preventDefault();    // state has isClosed set to false
    $rootScope.data = toState.data; // getting executed 'closed'
                                    // twice after our state transition to
                                    // only if above if does not contain return

事实上,这个解决方案(尽快退出)是这些 Q & 中的问题.答:

In fact, this solution (getting out as soon as possible), was issue in these Q & A:

这篇关于$stateChangeStart 事件在状态改变后继续的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 19:03