

我们很快将开始用Mercurial替换ClearCase.我听说这是一件好事.变更模型与版本模型.未来的浪潮.我准备相信这一点.不过,这还是吓到我了.嘿,乔尔·斯波斯基(Joel Spolsky)花了一段时间才能找到差异,以及如何充分利用Mercurial的优势,所以我敢打赌,我会遇到一些概念上的陷阱和陷阱.

We will soon start replacing ClearCase with Mercurial. I hear this is a good thing. The change model vs. the version model. Wave of the future. I'm prepared to believe this. Still, it kind of frightens me. Hey, it took Joel Spolsky a while to grok the difference and how to get maximum advantage out of Mercurial, so I'm betting I will run into conceptual traps and pitfalls.

有人在现实世界中有如何制作水银"技巧吗?任何可以帮助我弥合概念鸿沟的具体建议.关于不要做的任何警告吗?我很高兴听到他们的声音.我已经阅读了与此主题相关的最接近的SO问题,以及 Mercurial游览和许多其他博客.我主要对我可能遇到的任何陷阱或呃-哦感兴趣.您可以传授的任何智慧都会受到赞赏.

Does anyone have any real-world "how to grok Mercurial" tips? Anything specific suggestions that will help me bridge the conceptual gap. Any warnings about things not to do? I'd appreciate hearing them. I've already read the closest questions on SO related to this topic, as well as the Mercurial tour and a number of other blogs. I'm mainly interested in any gotchas or uh-ohs I may encounter. Any wisdom you can impart will be appreciated.



The peepcode meet mercurial video is worth the hour and $9.


As far as gotcha's I'd say the biggest way I see people fail on mercurial is to get too hung up on "how they used to do things" instead of focusing on "why they did those things".


People will beat their heads against mercurial's distributed nature to fake up file-locking but they do that because merging used to be hard and now it isn't.

否则人们会尝试将修订版ID自动更新到他们的文件中,因为以前可以在每个文件的不同修订版点进行签出.它不再是,所以只放在一个地方就好了,那个地方通常是hg id.

Or people will try to get revision ids automatically updated into their files because it used to be possible to have a checkout at different revision points for each file. It no longer is, so having it in just one place is fine and that place is usually hg id.


Or here's a biggie -- mercurial makes indelible changes -- after you've commited / pushed a change there's no easy way (and plenty of hard/bad ways) to subsequently alter that change. You can negate its effect but you can't recall and destroy it. The first time someone pushes a change they wish they hadn't they go through this sequence:

  1. 该死!
  2. 我要撤消该事
  3. 我无法撤消吗?!
  4. 那是我听过的最愚蠢的事!


and then they do one of two things either:


One last thing, make an informed decision about which of the many possible ways to branch you select. I like option one in that article, and its author prefer's a different one, but it gives a great compare contrast.


08-20 18:34