

我使用连接到MySQL数据库的SessionWizardView设计并构建了一个Django 1.6.2调查应用程序。




  def done(self,form_list,** kwargs):
return render(self.request,'return_to_AMT.html',{

I designed and built a Django 1.6.2 survey application using a SessionWizardView which is connected to a MySQL database.

The problem is that (as far as I can see) the submitted form data is not getting saved to the database. This is my first time building an application like this or even working with a database.

Could someone take a look at what I have done and my code and point out any mistakes I have made as to why I cannot see any content submitted by my survey form?

The last time I posted a similar question I was told I needed to create a Model for the data and it was suggested I use a ModelForm to create the table and columns in the database. I have done this but I am still not seeing my submitted content

My Process

  • I created the database in MySQL (Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.20) viaTerminal CREATE database django_db; and the tables in it are createdwhen I run the command python manage.py syncdb.

  • I can complete my survey both on my local machine and on the public server. No errors and it appears everything works fine

  • I have setup phpMyAdmin and can see the django_db database and survey_person model. However I can not seem to find any of the data that should be submitted by the form.

  • I have tried to use the search facility in phpMyAdmin to find any of the form data I submitted but cannot see it

  • I have exported the database as a .CSV file but it is empty.

  • If I use the insert facility in phpMyAdmin the data gets saved in the DB and I can return it when I use the search facilities. The same data is also in the CSV file when I export it.

This seem to suggest that I am missing a step somewhere in my application when it comes to submitting content to the DB.

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?

My Code

I have tried to limit the below to only relevant code


    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'django_db',
        'USER': 'root',
        'PASSWORD': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        'HOST': '',
        #'PORT': '',


url(r'^surveyone/$', SurveyWizardOne.as_view([


class SurveyFormA(forms.ModelForm):

    birthdate = forms.DateField(widget=extras.SelectDateWidget(years = range(1995, 1900, -1)), required=False)

    class Meta:
        model = Person
        fields = ['sender', 'birthdate', 'sex', 'relationship', 'state']

class SurveyFormB(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Person
        fields = ['internet_usage', 'smart_phone_ownership', 'smart_phone_usage']

        widgets = {'internet_usage' : RadioSelectNotNull,
                   'smart_phone_ownership' : RadioSelectNotNull,
                   'smart_phone_usage' : RadioSelectNotNull,

class SurveyFormC(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Person
        fields = ['education', 'wages', 'presentage_savings', 'occupation', 'living']

        widgets = {'education' : forms.RadioSelect,
                   'wages' : forms.RadioSelect,
                   'presentage_savings' : forms.RadioSelect,
                   'occupation' : forms.RadioSelect,
                   'living' : forms.RadioSelect,}



     sender = models.EmailField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='What is your email address?')

        birthdate = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) #overwritten in forms.py so passed no more arguments

        SEX = (
            ('MALE', 'Male'),
            ('FEMALE', 'Female'))
        sex = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=100, choices=SEX, verbose_name='What sex are you?')

        RELATIONSHIP = (
            ('SINGLE', "Single"),
            ('INARELATIONSHIP', "In a relationship"),
            ('MARRIED', "Married"),
            ('DIVORCED', "Divorced"),
            ('SEPARATED', "Separated"),
            ('WIDOWED', "Widowed"),)
        relationship = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=100, choices=RELATIONSHIP, verbose_name='What is your relationship status?')



                def __unicode__(self):
                return self


My views.py are the most complex part of my application. Not sure if it necessary to show any but I thought just in case

class SurveyWizardOne(SessionWizardView):
    def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
        context = super(SurveyWizardOne, self).get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
        step = int(self.steps.current)

        if step == 0:
            self.request.session['path_one_images'] = ['P1D1.jpg', 'P2D2.jpg', 'P3D3.jpg', 'P4D4.jpg', 'P5D5.jpg', 'P6D6.jpg', 'P7D7.jpg', 'P8D8.jpg', 'P9D9.jpg']
            self.request.session['instruction_task_one_images'] = ['IT1A.jpg', 'IT1B.jpg', 'IT1C.jpg']
            self.request.session['instruction_task_two_images'] = ['IT2A.jpg', 'IT2B.jpg', 'IT2C.jpg']
            self.request.session['images'] = []
            self.request.session['slider_DV_values'] = []

        PATH_ONE_IMAGES = self.request.session.get('path_one_images', [])
        images = self.request.session.get('images', [])
        slider_DV_values = self.request.session.get('slider_DV_values', [])
        INSTRUCTION_TASK_ONE_IMAGES = self.request.session.get('instruction_task_one_images', [])
        INSTRUCTION_TASK_TWO_IMAGES = self.request.session.get('instruction_task_two_images', [])

        if step in range (0, 27):
            self.request.session['path_one_images'] = PATH_ONE_IMAGES
            self.request.session['images'] = images
            self.request.session['slider_DV_values'] = slider_DV_values
            self.request.session['instruction_task_one_images'] = INSTRUCTION_TASK_ONE_IMAGES
            self.request.session['instruction_task_two_images'] = INSTRUCTION_TASK_TWO_IMAGES

            if step == 0:
                instruction_task_first_image = random.choice(INSTRUCTION_TASK_ONE_IMAGES)
                context['display_image'] = instruction_task_first_image

            elif step == 1:
                instruction_task_second_image = random.choice(INSTRUCTION_TASK_TWO_IMAGES)
                context['display_image'] = instruction_task_second_image

            elif step == 9:
                first_image = random.choice(PATH_ONE_IMAGES)
                context['display_image'] = first_image
                images.insert(0, first_image)
                self.request.session['first_image'] = images[0]

            elif step == 10:
                second_image = random.choice(PATH_ONE_IMAGES)



        return context

    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
        return render(self.request, 'Return_to_AMT.html', {
            'form_data': [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list],


A screenshot of the DB from phpMyAdmin. NOTE: Not the hidden fields at the start are for introduction steps in the survey form, code not shown here for brevity.


Submitting data to a model form does not cause it to be saved automatically. If you want save data from a model form to the database, you need to call its save() method. You could do this in the wizard's done() method.

def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
    # I don't know whether this will work, I am not familiar with your forms.
    for form in form_list:
    # Note the docs suggest redirecting instead of rendering a template.
    return render(self.request, 'Return_to_AMT.html', {
        'form_data': [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list],


08-15 17:14