


我正在寻找一个图表,其中显示内置类型的javascript,如功能字符串但在谷歌上我一直在寻找与浏览器相关的东西的图表,比如 Window




  • 原始字符串

  • 原始数字

  • primitive boolean

  • 未定义类型,它只有一个实例: undefined

  • Null类型,它只有一个实例: null

  • 符号(基本类型)(ES2015 +)

  • 代理(一种对象类型,但没有默认对象支持的对象类型原型)(ES2015 +)

  • 对象

    • 数字

    • 字符串

    • 布尔值

    • 功能

    • 日期

    • RegExp

    • 数组

    • 数学

    • 错误

      • EvalError

      • RangeError

      • ReferenceError

      • SyntaxError

      • TypeError

      • URIError

    • JSON (ES5 +)

    • ArrayBuffer (ES2015 +)

    • DataView (ES2015 +)

    • 键入的数组( Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array )(ES2015 +)

    • 地图(ES2015 +)

    • WeakMap (ES2015 +)

    • 设置(ES2015 +)

    • WeakSet (ES2015 +)

    • 承诺(ES2015 +)

    • 反映(ES2015 +)



请注意,这只是 JavaScript ' s型树。它不包括许多在浏览器上经常使用 with JavaScript的其他内容(例如,,,等等。)

I was looking for a diagram which shows the built in types of javascript like Function and String but on google I keep finding diagrams with the browser-related stuff like Window.

I'm just looking for the pure js object diagram. I know about the ECMA specification but I'm looking for a diagram because I'm a visual type.


There's not much depth to the JavaScript types to speak of, the diagram would be fairly flat. It's basically (UML at the end):

  • primitive string
  • primitive number
  • primitive boolean
  • the Undefined type, which has exactly one instance: undefined
  • the Null type, which has exactly one instance: null
  • Symbol (a primitive type) (ES2015+)
  • Proxy (an object type, but one not backed by the default object prototype) (ES2015+)
  • Object
    • Number
    • String
    • Boolean
    • Function
    • Date
    • RegExp
    • Array
    • Math
    • Error
      • EvalError
      • RangeError
      • ReferenceError
      • SyntaxError
      • TypeError
      • URIError
    • JSON (ES5+)
    • ArrayBuffer (ES2015+)
    • DataView (ES2015+)
    • The typed arrays (Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array) (ES2015+)
    • Map (ES2015+)
    • WeakMap (ES2015+)
    • Set (ES2015+)
    • WeakSet (ES2015+)
    • Promise (ES2015+)
    • Reflect (ES2015+)

So in UML, something like this:

(click the image to open it so you can zoom)

Note that this is just JavaScript's type tree. It doesn't include lots of other things that are often used with JavaScript on browsers (such as the DOM, the worker's API, web storage, the File API, etc., etc.).



09-07 12:37