首先,我尝试通过更新对话框将Android Studio 4.1 Canary 8像往常一样更新为Canary 9.首先,金丝雀9抛出了错误:
At first I've tried to update Android Studio 4.1 Canary 8 to Canary 9 as usual through update dialog. At the first start Canary 9 have thrown error:
请从头开始重新安装Android Studio.
Please reinstall Android Studio from scratch.
因此,我从官方来源( https://developer.android.com/studio下载了Canary 9发行版/preview ).删除Canary 8目录并使用Canary 9提取tar.gz.然后以相同的错误启动 android-studio/bin/studio.sh
So I downloaded Canary 9 distribution from official source (https://developer.android.com/studio/preview). Deleted Canary 8 catalog and extracted tar.gz with Canary 9. Then launched android-studio/bin/studio.sh
with the same error.
I renamed ~/.AndroidStudioPreview4.1
catalog and started studio once more. Same error.
现在,我从备份中回滚到Canary 8.从金丝雀8号转到9号有什么帮助吗?
Now I rolled back to Canary 8 from my backup.Any help how to move from Canary 8 to 9?
Basically this issue mentioned in release notes
missing essential plugin org.jetbrains.android
当您从以前的版本导入设置时,可能会发生这种情况Android Studio.通常,这意味着您在本地安装了与新IDE不兼容的Kotlin插件.
This can happen when you import your settings from a previous version of Android Studio. Typically, this means you have a locally installed Kotlin plugin that is not compatible with the new IDE.
To fix this issue, remove the Kotlin directory from the following locations:
Linux: ~/.local/share/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
Windows:C:\ Users \ YourUserName \ AppData \ Roaming \ Google \ AndroidStudioPreview4.1
Windows: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudioPreview4.1
MacOS:〜/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
因为当前没有与Canary 9兼容的Kotlin插件可从JetBrains获得,我们将自己的Kotlin插件与Canary 9更新,因此您无需手动安装Kotlin插入.源
Because there is no Kotlin plugin compatible with Canary 9 currently available from JetBrains, we have bundled our own Kotlin plugin with the Canary 9 update, so you don't need to manually install a Kotlin plugin. source
找不到此类文件或目录.由 ./.cache/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
创建的唯一名为 AndroidStudioPreview4.1
At the same time by path ~/.local/share/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
no such file or directory. The only catalog named AndroidStudioPreview4.1
founded by ./.cache/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
. So I deleted it without any effect on subject issue.
Then I completely removed ~/.AndroidStudioPreview4.1
instead of renaming which I'd done before. And resolved the issue.
I believe Google bundle Kotlin plugin in a different way JetBrains do. So paths differ. Maybe path for Windows to. I believe paths should be corrected in release notes.
rm -r〜/.AndroidStudioPreview4.1
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