


First some context of what I am trying to achieve -


I am developing an Image Sharing application for which I need the user to pick an image from the filesystem .


For this , I am using this code -

    Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
    startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, REQUEST_CODE_IMAGE_PICKER_INTENT);

现在,这会触发一个选择器,在该选择器中,我会看到多个选项,包括手机中具有的Gallery(画廊)和FileManager App.如果我选择图库并从中选择一张图片,那么我的活动将收到一个包含图片内容uri的Intent.但是,如果选择FileManager App,则可以选择任何可能不是图像的文件.所以,我需要的是能够确定意图中返回的uri的mime类型.意图的getType方法返回null.

Now , this triggers a chooser wherein I see multiple options including Gallery and a FileManager App that I have in my phone. If i select gallery and choose an image from there then my Activity receives an Intent with a content uri of an Image.But if I choose the FileManager App , I can choose any file which might not be an image . So , what I need is to be able to determine the mime type of the uri returned in the intent. The intent's getType method returns null .


Is there any way to determine the mime from the returned intent to be able to determine if the content is an image or not .


If this doesn't work this way , then I might have to use MimeTypeMap to determine the mime from the file extension.


我找到了一种获取内容uri的mime类型的方法,但对其他类型的uri(例如"file://"形式的uri)无效. ....'.

I found a way to get the mime type of a content uri but nothing worked for other kind of uri's such as uri's of the form 'file://.....' .


To get the mime type of content uri's -

    ContentResolver cr = this.getContentResolver();
    String mime = cr.getType(YOUR_CONTENT_URI);


This works only for content uri's . So for other uri's I am using MimeTypeMap to infer their mime type's from the file extension .


08-23 17:34