

我计划在我的项目中使用Laravel-filemanager laravel-filemanager .在文档中描述了与CKEditor集成.但是我想将此文件管理器单独用于输入字段.

I am planning to use the Laravel-filemanager laravel-filemanager in my project. In the documentation it is described to integrate with the CKEditor. But I want to use this file manager separately for a input field.


找到了我要搜索的库. UniSharp维护软件包 https://github.com/UniSharp/laravel-filemanager ,它是 tsawler/laravel-filemanager 的分支.不要使用tsawler开发的原始程序包,我不再维护该程序包并且没有足够的责任.

Found the library which i was searching for. UniSharp maintain a package https://github.com/UniSharp/laravel-filemanager which is a fork of tsawler/laravel-filemanager. Do not use the original package developed by tsawler, i does not maintain the package any more and not responsible enough.


09-18 15:15