

我是一位了解Python,Ruby和一些C的程序员,他们正试图决定学习GNU Octave还是Matlab.我知道他们有很多共同的 ,但是我不清楚如何类似的语法甚至是数据结构.每个人都说它们相似",但是没有人说它们实际上有多相似.上面的链接显示了几个在语法上相似或相同的示例,这对整个语言都是正确的吗?

I'm a programmer who knows Python, Ruby and some C who is trying to decide whether to learn GNU Octave or Matlab. I know that they have a lot in common, but it isn't clear to me how similar the syntax is or even the data structures are. Everyone says they are "similar", but no one says how similar they actually are. The above link shows several examples where they are syntactically similar or identical, is this true for the whole language?


I am trying to learn the language in general to do more scientific computing, possibly using some image analysis libraries. I know there are plenty of other languages I could program in, but my advisors say that knowing MATLAB or Octave is crucial in the sciences.


Additionally, is Matlab worth the cost? I don't have a lot of money, but if there are important differences in the libraries or elsewhere, I'm sure I could find the money.



Rather than provide you with a complete list of differences, I'll give you my view on the matter.

如果您仔细阅读所提供的Wiki页面,您会经常看到诸如"Octave同时支持,而MATLAB需要第一个同时支持"之类的句子.这表明Octave的开发人员试图使Octave语法"superior" 到MATLAB的.

If you read carefully the wiki page you provide, you'll often see sentences like "Octave supports both, while MATLAB requires the first" etc. This shows that Octave's developers try to make Octave syntax "superior" to MATLAB's.

这种态度使Octave完全失去了目标. Octave背后的想法是(或者已经成为,我应该说,请参阅下面的评论)以拥有一种运行m代码的开源替代方案.如果它试图变得更好",那么它就会试图变得与众不同",这与大多数人使用它的原因不符.以我的经验,除了非常简单,非常简短的内容外,运行在MATLAB中开发的内容永远不会一劳永逸-对于任何相当大的功能,如果要在Octave中运行,我总是必须翻译很多内容,如果不要从头开始重写它. 更好,我真的看不到...

This attitude makes Octave lose its purpose completely. The idea behind Octave is (or has become, I should say, see comments below) to have an open source alternative to run m-code. If it tries to be "better", it thus tries to be different, which is not in line with the reasons most people use it for. In my experience, running stuff developed in MATLAB doesn't ever work in one go, except for the really simple, really short stuff -- For any sizable function, I always have to translate a lot of stuff before it works in Octave, if not re-write it from scratch. How this is better, I really don't see...

此外,如果您学习Octave,则Octave中允许使用的语法很多,而MATLAB中则不允许.含义-如果不进行大量转换,用Octave编写的代码通常无法在MATLAB中运行. 相反,它也不兼容!

Also, if you learn Octave, there's a lot of syntax allowed in Octave that's not allowed in MATLAB. Meaning -- code written in Octave often does not work in MATLAB without numerous conversions. It's also not compatible the other way around!

我可以继续:MathWorks有很多用于MATLAB的工具箱,还有Simulink及其相关产品,实际上在Octave中没有同等的产品(是的,您必须为所有这些支付费用.但是通常您的雇主/学校需要为此付费.无论如何,至少在至少[em> )存在,并证明其符合几种行业标准,测试工具,验证工具,需求管理系统,报告生成,更大的社区以及用户群等,等等.MATLAB只是很大一部分的一小部分.八度是...只是八度.

I could go on: The MathWorks has many toolboxes for MATLAB, there's Simulink and its related products for which there really is no equivalent in Octave (yes, you'd have to pay for all that. But often your employer/school does that anyway, and well, it at least exists), proven compliance with several industry standards, testing tools, validation tools, requirement management systems, report generation, a much larger community & user base, etc. etc. etc. MATLAB is only a small part of something much larger. Octave is...just Octave.


  • 了解您的学校是否愿意为MATLAB付款.他们经常会.
  • 如果没有,并且您可以凑足金钱,请购买MATLAB并学习正确使用它的方法.从长远来看,这是一个更好的决定.
  • 如果您真的无法赚钱,请使用Octave,但请学习 MATLAB的语法,并远离仅使用Octave的语法. (请参见注释)
  • Find out if your school will pay for MATLAB. Often they will.
  • If they don't, and if you can scrape together the money, buy MATLAB and learn to use it properly. In the long run it's the better decision.
  • If you really can't get the money -- use Octave, but learn MATLAB's syntax and stay away from Octave-only syntax. (see note)


Why this last point? Because in the sciences, there are often large code bases entirely written in MATLAB. There are professors, engineers, students, professional coders, lots and lots of people who know all the intricate gory details of MATLAB, and not so much of Octave.


If you get a new job, and everyone in your new office speaks Spanish, it's kind of cocky to demand of everyone that they start speaking English from then on, simply because you don't speak/like Spanish. Same with MATLAB and Octave.


NB -- if all downvoters could just leave a comment with their arguments and reasons for disagreeing with me, that'd be great :)


08-20 04:01