我需要创建一个RSA 1024位PKCS1公钥不PEM头,并将其保存为一个字节数组。在网。框架我有2个数组:RSAParameters.Modulus和RSAParameters.Exponent(其中constitue公钥据我所知)。我如何转换这两个数组到一个PKCS1公钥不PEM头?
I need to create an RSA 1024 bit "PKCS1 public key without PEM headers" and store it as an array of bytes.In Net. Framework I have 2 arrays: RSAParameters.Modulus and RSAParameters.Exponent (which constitue a public key as I understand).How can I convert these two arrays into a "PKCS1 public key without PEM headers"?
如果您需要连接code只RSA公共密钥,您可以编写自己的包装,将采取5行编码。RSA公钥应重新psented如下ASN.1结构$ P $:
If you need to encode only RSA public key, you can write your own wrapper, it will take 5 lines of coding.RSA public key should be represented as the following ASN.1 structure:
RSAPublicKey :: = SEQUENCE { 模量INTEGER, - N publicExponent INTEGER - 电子}
RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE { modulus INTEGER, -- n publicExponent INTEGER -- e}
However, this will need you to learn some ASN.1 basics.Also, you should make sure that you need to save only in this format, applications could also require algorithmIdentifier to be added.