

我正在为 iPhone 创建一个非常简单的应用.

I'm creating a very simple app for iPhone.

只是不知道如何使按钮(图像)在 Swift 中被触摸时移动到随机位置(但在屏幕上).

Just don't know how to make the button (image) move to random position (but on the screen) when it's touched, in Swift.

我使用的是 Xcode 6.

I'm using Xcode 6.


将此用于按钮的 @IBAction:

@IBAction func moveButton(button: UIButton) {
    // Find the button's width and height
    let buttonWidth = button.frame.width
    let buttonHeight = button.frame.height

    // Find the width and height of the enclosing view
    let viewWidth = button.superview!.bounds.width
    let viewHeight = button.superview!.bounds.height

    // Compute width and height of the area to contain the button's center
    let xwidth = viewWidth - buttonWidth
    let yheight = viewHeight - buttonHeight

    // Generate a random x and y offset
    let xoffset = CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(xwidth)))
    let yoffset = CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(yheight)))

    // Offset the button's center by the random offsets.
    button.center.x = xoffset + buttonWidth / 2
    button.center.y = yoffset + buttonHeight / 2

警告:如果您启用了 AutoLayout,当子视图布局时,您的按钮可能会弹回其原始位置.在此处查看此问题的解决方案.

Warning: If you have AutoLayout enabled, your button could snap back to its original location when the subviews are laid out. See the solution to this problem here.


08-20 21:49