

我有一个 UIScrollView 在界面生成器中创建了一堆 UITextView UIImageView 已添加的对象。我有它连接到 IBOutlet - (void)viewDidLoad 我设置其内容大小为 1200x2000 。用户交互启用,多点触控,滚动启用并显示垂直和水平滚动指示器均设置为 YES 。当我在iOS模拟器中启动应用程序时,它不滚动。什么可能是这种行为的原因?

I have a UIScrollView created in interface builder with a bunch of UITextView and UIImageView objects already added. I have it connected to an IBOutlet, and under -(void)viewDidLoad I set its content size to 1200x2000. User interaction Enabled, Multitouch, Scrolling Enabled and shows vertical and horizontal scroll indicators are all set to YES. When I launch the app in the iOS simulator, it doesn't scroll. What could possibly be the cause of this behavior?


  1. viewDidLoad即将推出。您必须等到视图的布局发生之后。请尝试在viewDidAppear中设置contentSize。

  1. viewDidLoad is to soon. You must wait until after the layout of the views has taken place. Try setting the contentSize in viewDidAppear.


Are you using autolayout? If so, check out the following answer (and forget 1.):UIScrollView doesn't use autolayout constraints.


08-20 12:57