

我正在展示一个使用presentViewController和自定义modalPresentationStyle的UIViewController,以实现Facebook POP动画过渡.

I'm presenting a UIViewController using presentViewController and a custom modalPresentationStyle, in an effort to implement a Facebook POP animated transition.


The modal view itself is completely dynamic, defined using Autolayout constraints in code. There is no xib/storyboard to back the modal.


我的演示代码如下(摘自FB POP代码示例):

- (void)animateTransition:(id <UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext
    UIView *fromView = [transitionContext viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextFromViewControllerKey].view;
    fromView.tintAdjustmentMode = UIViewTintAdjustmentModeDimmed;
    fromView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

    UIView *dimmingView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:fromView.bounds];
    dimmingView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:(24/255.0) green:(42/255.0) blue:(15/255.0) alpha:1.0];
    dimmingView.layer.opacity = 0.0;

    UIView *toView = [transitionContext viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextToViewControllerKey].view;
    toView.frame = CGRectMake(0,
                              CGRectGetWidth(transitionContext.containerView.bounds) - 104.f,
                              CGRectGetHeight(transitionContext.containerView.bounds) - 320.f);
    toView.center = CGPointMake(transitionContext.containerView.center.x, -transitionContext.containerView.center.y);

    [transitionContext.containerView addSubview:dimmingView];
    [transitionContext.containerView addSubview:toView];

    POPSpringAnimation *positionAnimation = [POPSpringAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPLayerPositionY];
    positionAnimation.toValue = @(transitionContext.containerView.center.y);
    positionAnimation.springBounciness = 10;
    [positionAnimation setCompletionBlock:^(POPAnimation *anim, BOOL finished) {
        [transitionContext completeTransition:YES];

    POPSpringAnimation *scaleAnimation = [POPSpringAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPLayerScaleXY];
    scaleAnimation.springBounciness = 20;
    scaleAnimation.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(1.2, 1.4)];

    POPBasicAnimation *opacityAnimation = [POPBasicAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPLayerOpacity];
    opacityAnimation.toValue = @(0.2);

    [toView.layer pop_addAnimation:positionAnimation forKey:@"positionAnimation"];
    [toView.layer pop_addAnimation:scaleAnimation forKey:@"scaleAnimation"];
    [dimmingView.layer pop_addAnimation:opacityAnimation forKey:@"opacityAnimation"];

这很漂亮,但是我需要实际的视图大小是动态的(有时模态将有四行文本和两个按钮,等等).为此,我需要在VC子类中设置translationsAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO.显然,这会抵消我在演示动画师中所做的帧居中.

This works beautifully, but I need the actual view size to be dynamic (sometimes the modal will have four lines of text and two buttons, etc). To accomplish this, I need to set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=NO in the VC subclass. This obviously negates the frame centering I'm doing in the presentation animator.


The end result is a modal that's stuck to the left edge of the screen; curiously, it centers itself vertically, but not horizontally. Visually, it looks something like this (pardon the black squares, I had to do it for legal purposes):


The obvious solution would be to add a view constraint that centers the view. No problem, right?

但是我应该在哪里添加它? view.superview为零;没有监督.我尝试创建一个自定义的"superview"属性并进行设置,但是autolayout不知道如何处理其视图层次结构之外的视图(当前的vc).这是我的视图层次结构的样子,带有注释:

But where do I add it? view.superview is nil; there is no superview. I tried creating a custom 'superview' property and setting it, but autolayout doesn't know how to handle a view that's outside of its view hierarchy (the presenting vc). This is what my view hierarchy looks like, annotated:


You're apparently not supposed to access the UITransitionView directly. Constraints on the UIWindow have no effect.


Does anyone have any advice? How do you guys handle this sort of thing?



You can programmatically add a centering constraint from containerView to toView in your animateTranisition method:


(in Swift, but you should be able to get the idea...)


let centerXLayoutConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: toView, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.Equal, toItem: containerView, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)
let centerYLayoutConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: toView, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.Equal, toItem: containerView, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)



When I tried this, I also added width and height constraints to toView to size it relative to containerView. It worked -- no problem.


I think it should work with a self-sizing toView as well. You might have to override intrinsicSize in your toView class and/or play around with forcing it to update its constraints.


08-15 16:12