

我运行它公开端口1433 WCF服务,这也被定义为输入TCP端点的Windows Azure工作者角色:

 < InputEndpoint NAME =WcfServiceEndpoint协议=TCP端口=1433/>


 < InputEndpoint NAME =TcpInterfaceEndpoint协议=TCP端口=443/>


这似乎Azure是不会允许在端口1433的端点(这通常是MS SQL Server中,我们用它目前,由于在测试环境中防火墙限制),但我没能在任何地方找到此类限制的任何信息。所以 - ?是的话,还是我的地方做一些琐碎的误差

补充:我尝试另外一个测试:我换两个端口在配置文件中,这样WCF现在443和TCP运行在1433和,如我所料 - WCF服务是可用的,而TCP接口停止工作。我现在很相信1433,着实挡在某种方式。这纯粹是蛮好看的地方记载这些信息。



原因:端口179,1433和1434被阻挡在Windows Azure的公共使用,因此在这些端口的角色之间的任何连接将被阻塞,导致超时错误


I am running a Windows Azure worker role which exposes a WCF service on port 1433, which is also defined to be an input TCP endpoint:

<InputEndpoint name="WcfServiceEndpoint" protocol="tcp" port="1433" />

The same worker role also exposes another service on TCP port 443, defined similarly:

<InputEndpoint name="TcpInterfaceEndpoint" protocol="tcp" port="443" />

I see both endpoints in the Management Portal, I am able to connect to the TcpInterfaceEndpoint at port 443 correctly, but I am not able to connect to the other port at all (tried from two different computers which are both able to access SQL servers outside, i.e. the port is not blocked for outgoing connections). When I tried to connect locally on the Azure instance (via Remote Desktop connection), telnet connected OK. Attempt to connect from elsewhere ends with "Connection timed out". Everything seems to suggest port 1433 is handled differently to port 443, and is blocked by a firewall somewhere. I have even tried to completely disable Windows Firewall on the Azure instance, but nothing changed.

It would seem Azure is not allowing endpoints on port 1433 (which is normally MS SQL Server, we use it currently because of firewall restrictions in the testing environment), but I was not able to find any information on such limits anywhere. So – is it the case, or am I doing some trivial error somewhere?

Added: I tried another test: I switched both ports in the config file, so that WCF now runs at 443 and TCP at 1433. And, as I expected – the WCF service is available, while the TCP interface stops working. I am now quite convinced 1433 is, indeed, blocked in some way. It would just be fine to see this information documented somewhere.


Here's some documentation I ran across about the ports being closed (1433, 1434, 179).

Cause: Ports 179, 1433, and 1434 are blocked for public use in Windows Azure, so any connection between roles on these ports will be blocked and result in a time-out error.

Resolution: You must connect to endpoints using a set of ports that does not include ports 179, 1433, or 1434.


07-14 10:59