!pip install tensorflow==2.4.1 tensorflow-gpu==2.4.1 tensorflow-hub opencv-python matplotlib
tensorflow_hub: 加载模型
CV2: 利用openCV的包,画点,直线,或者其它图片和视频相关的东西
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
加载和执行模型, 返回17个姿态的结果
def movenet(input_image):
"""Runs detection on an input image.
input_image: A [1, height, width, 3] tensor represents the input image
pixels. Note that the height/width should already be resized and match the
expected input resolution of the model before passing into this function.
A [1, 1, 17, 3] float numpy array representing the predicted keypoint
coordinates and scores.
# Download the model from TF Hub.
model = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/google/movenet/singlepose/lightning/4")
model = model.signatures['serving_default']
# SavedModel format expects tensor type of int32.
input_image = tf.cast(input_image, dtype=tf.int32)
# Run model inference.
outputs = model(input_image)
# Output is a [1, 1, 17, 3] tensor.
keypoints_with_scores = outputs['output_0'].numpy()
keypoints_with_scores = keypoints_with_scores.reshape((1, 17, 3))
return keypoints_with_scores
def draw_keypoints(frame, keypoints, confidence_threshold):
y, x, c = frame.shape
shaped = np.squeeze(np.multiply(keypoints, [y, x, 1]))
print("shaped in draw_keypoints:", shaped)
for kp in shaped:
ky, kx, kp_conf = kp
if kp_conf > confidence_threshold:
cv2.circle(frame, (int(kx), int(ky)), 6, (0, 255, 0), -1)
下面的值告诉我们如何连接人体姿态点。例如,第一个值 (0, 1): 'm' 告诉我们鼻子如何连接到左眼,最后一个值 (14, 16): 'c' 告诉我们右膝如何连接连接到右脚踝。
(0, 1): 'm',
(0, 2): 'c',
(1, 3): 'm',
(2, 4): 'c',
(0, 5): 'm',
(0, 6): 'c',
(5, 7): 'm',
(7, 9): 'm',
(6, 8): 'c',
(8, 10): 'c',
(5, 6): 'y',
(5, 11): 'm',
(6, 12): 'c',
(11, 12): 'y',
(11, 13): 'm',
(13, 15): 'm',
(12, 14): 'c',
(14, 16): 'c'
def draw_connections(frame, keypoints, edges, confidence_threshold):
print('frame', frame)
y, x, c = frame.shape
shaped = np.squeeze(np.multiply(keypoints, [y, x, 1]))
for edge, color in edges.items():
p1, p2 = edge
y1, x1, c1 = shaped[p1]
y2, x2, c2 = shaped[p2]
if (c1 > confidence_threshold) & (c2 > confidence_threshold):
cv2.line(frame, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 0, 255), 4)
def loop_through_people(frame, keypoints_with_scores, edges, confidence_threshold):
for person in keypoints_with_scores:
draw_connections(frame, person, edges, confidence_threshold)
draw_keypoints(frame, person, confidence_threshold)
image_path = 'fitness_pic.jpg'
image = tf.io.read_file(image_path)
image = tf.compat.v1.image.decode_jpeg(image)
1. 高度和宽度是32个倍数。
2. 高度和宽度的比例要尽可能接近原图片的比例。
3. 高度和宽度不能大于256. 例如,应调整 720p 图像(即 720x1280 (HxW))的大小并填充为 160x256 图像。
我们这个例子简单点,大小就是的(192, 192)
# Resize and pad the image to keep the aspect ratio and fit the expected size.
input_size = 192
input_image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
input_image = tf.image.resize_with_pad(input_image, input_size, input_size)
运行模型推理。得出的keypoints_with_scores是[1, 17, 3].
第一个维度是批次维度,始终等于 1。
第二个维度表示预测的边界框/关键点位置和分数。前 17 * 3 个元素是关键点位置和分数,格式为:[y_0, x_0, s_0, y_1, x_1, s_1, ..., y_16, x_16, s_16],其中 y_i, x_i, s_i 是 yx 坐标 (归一化到图像帧,例如[0.0, 1.0]中的范围)和相应的第i个关节的置信度分数。 17个关键点关节的顺序为:[鼻子、左眼、右眼、左耳、右耳、左肩、右肩、左肘、右肘、左腕、右腕、左髋、右髋、左膝、右膝、左脚踝、右脚踝]。
# Run model inference.
keypoints_with_scores = movenet(input_image)
display_image = tf.cast(tf.image.resize_with_pad(image, 1280, 1280), dtype = tf.int32)
display_image = np.array(display_image)
origin_image = np.copy(display_image)
loop_through_people(display_image, keypoints_with_scores, EDGES, 0.1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def movenet(input_image):
"""Runs detection on an input image.
input_image: A [1, height, width, 3] tensor represents the input image
pixels. Note that the height/width should already be resized and match the
expected input resolution of the model before passing into this function.
A [1, 1, 17, 3] float numpy array representing the predicted keypoint
coordinates and scores.
# Download the model from TF Hub.
model = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/google/movenet/singlepose/lightning/4")
model = model.signatures['serving_default']
# SavedModel format expects tensor type of int32.
input_image = tf.cast(input_image, dtype=tf.int32)
# Run model inference.
outputs = model(input_image)
# Output is a [1, 1, 17, 3] tensor.
keypoints_with_scores = outputs['output_0'].numpy()
keypoints_with_scores = keypoints_with_scores.reshape((1, 17, 3))
return keypoints_with_scores
def draw_keypoints(frame, keypoints, confidence_threshold):
y, x, c = frame.shape
shaped = np.squeeze(np.multiply(keypoints, [y, x, 1]))
print("shaped in draw_keypoints:", shaped)
for kp in shaped:
ky, kx, kp_conf = kp
if kp_conf > confidence_threshold:
cv2.circle(frame, (int(kx), int(ky)), 6, (0, 255, 0), -1)
(0, 1): 'm',
(0, 2): 'c',
(1, 3): 'm',
(2, 4): 'c',
(0, 5): 'm',
(0, 6): 'c',
(5, 7): 'm',
(7, 9): 'm',
(6, 8): 'c',
(8, 10): 'c',
(5, 6): 'y',
(5, 11): 'm',
(6, 12): 'c',
(11, 12): 'y',
(11, 13): 'm',
(13, 15): 'm',
(12, 14): 'c',
(14, 16): 'c'
def draw_connections(frame, keypoints, edges, confidence_threshold):
print('frame', frame)
y, x, c = frame.shape
shaped = np.squeeze(np.multiply(keypoints, [y, x, 1]))
for edge, color in edges.items():
p1, p2 = edge
y1, x1, c1 = shaped[p1]
y2, x2, c2 = shaped[p2]
if (c1 > confidence_threshold) & (c2 > confidence_threshold):
cv2.line(frame, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 0, 255), 4)
def loop_through_people(frame, keypoints_with_scores, edges, confidence_threshold):
for person in keypoints_with_scores:
draw_connections(frame, person, edges, confidence_threshold)
draw_keypoints(frame, person, confidence_threshold)
image_path = 'C:/Users/Harry/Desktop/fitness.jpeg'
image = tf.io.read_file(image_path)
# image = tf.compat.v1.image.decode_image(image)
image = tf.compat.v1.image.decode_jpeg(image)
# Resize and pad the image to keep the aspect ratio and fit the expected size.
input_size = 192
input_image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
input_image = tf.image.resize_with_pad(input_image, input_size, input_size)
# Run model inference.
keypoints_with_scores = movenet(input_image)
display_image = tf.cast(tf.image.resize_with_pad(image, 1280, 1280), dtype = tf.int32)
display_image = np.array(display_image)
origin_image = np.copy(display_image)
loop_through_people(display_image, keypoints_with_scores, EDGES, 0.1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)