

我想使用Django ifequal else 标记来判断变量是否等于 80 22 .所以,这是代码:

I want to use django ifequal and else tag to judge if a variable equals 80 or 22. So, this is code:

{% if firewalls %}
    <th>IP address</th>
{% endif %}
{% for firewall in firewalls %}
    <td>{{ host_ip }} : {{ firewall.from_port }}</td>

    {% ifequal firewall.to_port 22 %} <td>Ssh Service</td>
    {% ifequal firewall.to_port 80 %} <td>Web Service</td>
    {% else %} <td>Unknown Service</td>{% endifequal %}{% endelse %}

{% endfor %}

错误为无效的块标记:"endelse",预期的"else"或"endifequal" .有人可以帮我吗?非常感谢!

And the error is Invalid block tag: 'endelse', expected 'else' or 'endifequal'. Could someone helps me? Thanks a lot!



An alternative to the ifequal tag is to use the if tag and the == operator.Bow to power of '==' operator :

{% if firewall.to_port == 20 %}
   <td>Ssh Service</td>
{% elif firewall.to_port == 80 %}
   <td>Web Service</td>
{% else %}
   <td>Unknown Service</td>
{% endif %}


This way you are also saving your code processing time as it does not evaluate all if condition for every port number.


07-14 09:04