

它是常规使用 Marionette.ItemView 对于不具有模式财产有关的特定视图类他们?

Is it conventional to use Marionette.ItemView for view classes that do not have a specific model property associated with them?

由于 Marionette.View 并不意味着可以直接使用,这似乎是一个 ItemView控件有意义的,因为一个鉴于方便默认和绑定类。

As Marionette.View is not meant to be used directly, it seems like an ItemView makes sense as a view class with convenient defaults and bindings.

或者,你应该只是求助于使用 Backbone.View ?如果是这样,是有办法钩 Backbone.View 成木偶的事件触发和垃圾收集架构?

Or, should one just resort to using Backbone.View? If so, is there a way to hook Backbone.View into Marionette's evented and garbage-collected architecture?




ItemView can be used without a model. I do this quite regularly.

如果你需要一个ItemView控件指定数据,但没有在Backbone.Model这些数据,你需要重写 serializeData 方法:

If you need to specify data for an ItemView, but not have that data in a Backbone.Model, you need to override the serializeData method:

MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
  serializeData: function(){
    return {
      my: "custom data"


the base Marionette.View isnt' meant to be used directly because it doesn't provide a render function on it's own. That doesn't mean you can't use it to create your own base view types, though. You could, for example, build a view type for your application that deals with rendering google maps or a third party widget or something else that doesn't need the general Backbone.Model based rendering that ItemView has in it.


10-18 22:01