

只是想知道是否有人知道如何解决这个错误?我也使用过 TypeCode. 但仍然没有运气.谢谢

Just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this error? I've also used TypeCode. but still no luck. Thanks

case typeof(Nullable<int>).ToString(): //<----- error is here
if ((!object.ReferenceEquals(value, DBNull.Value)))
    return value;
    return null;


    public static object HandleDBNull(object value, System.Type _type)
    switch (Type.GetTypeCode(_type))



最终,typeof(Nullable) 不是 TypeCode,而是字符串表示其中不是 TypeCode.没有 TypeCode 代表 Nullable 具体.

Ultimately, typeof(Nullable<int>) isn't a TypeCode, and the string representation of that isn't a TypeCode. There is no TypeCode that represents Nullable<int> specifically.

您可以使用 Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) 来检查某些内容是否为 Nullable 并同时获取 T(如果不是,它返回 null),你可以在结果上使用 Type.GetTypeCode,但是:我怀疑在你的情况下,使用 TypeCode at all 可能是一个错误,简单地检查类型本身 (if (type == typeof(int?)) {...}) 可能是更好.

You can use Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) to check that something is Nullable<T> and get the T at the same time (it returns null if not), and you can use Type.GetTypeCode on the result of that, but: I suspect that in your case, using TypeCode at all may be an error, and simply checking the type itself (if (type == typeof(int?)) {...}) may be better.


07-14 04:54