With C#, How do I play (Pause, Forward...) a sound file (mp3, ogg)? The file could be on the hard disk, or on the internet.
Is there any library or Class out there that can ease me the work ?
如果你不介意,包括 Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll中在你的项目,你可以这样来做:
If you don't mind including Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll in your project, you can do it this way:
var audio = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Audio();
audio.Play("some file path");
如果你想要做更复杂的东西,我知道最简单的方法是使用在 Windows媒体播放器API 。您添加DLL,然后使用它。 API是一种笨重,但它的工作;我用它来使周围的Windows Media Player自己的音乐播放器的包装供个人使用。下面是一些有用的链接,让你开始:
If you want to do more complex stuff, the easiest way I know of is to use the Windows Media Player API. You add the DLL and then work with it. The API is kind of clunky, but it does work; I've used it to make my own music player wrapper around Windows Media Player for personal use. Here are some helpful links to get you started:
自从我写了这个,我已经找到了一个更简单的方法,如果你不介意,包括你的code WPF类。 WPF(.NET 3.0和前锋)有一个的MediaPlayer 类是围绕Windows媒体播放器的包装。这意味着你不必写自己的包装,这是很好的,因为,正如我上面提到的,WMP API是相当笨重,很难使用。