


I require a tree / directed acyclic graph implementation something like this:

public class TreeNode<K, V> {
    private K key; // 'key' for this node, always present
    private V value; // 'value' for this node, doesn't have to be set

    private TreeNode<K, V> parent;
    private Set<TreeNode<K, V>> children;

  • 没有任何排序。

  • TreeNode 只是一个包围键和一个可能的值(节点不必设置值) / li>
  • 我需要链接到父母和孩子。

    • There is no sorting of any kind.
    • The TreeNode is just a wrapper around the key and a possible value (nodes don't have to have values set).
    • I require links to both the parent and the children.
    • 有没有什么标准API或Commons等将为我做这个?

      Is there anything out there in the standard APIs or Commons etc that will do this for me?


      I don't mind writing it myself (and I'm certainly not asking you folks to) I just don't want to re-invent the wheel.



      There doesn't seem to be anything of the kind. I asked a similar question last week and ended up implementing my own tree. My implementation was very similar to what you're proposing:

      public class TreeNode<T>
          private LinkedList<TreeNode<T>> children = new LinkedList<TreeNode<T>>();
          public T value { get; set; }
          public TreeNode(T value)
              this.value = value;
          public LinkedList<TreeNode<T>> GetChildren()
              return children;


      You will have to add a link back to the parent(s).


08-20 03:45